Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

Prophetic Dreams: God Is Releasing the New Oils You Have Been Contending For

We just had our conference on “Unlocking the Supernatural From the Courts of Heaven.” The main purpose of this gathering on Feb. 21 – 24 was to see the supernatural realm unlocked in the church of America and the nations. We were contending for a level of the supernatural that wouldn’t just see a few people healed, but actually see a cultural shift. It is the power of God alone demonstrated that causes the worldview of culture and generations to shift. This is necessary for sustained reformation. Even if we see a reformation like what seems to be forming, without a change in worldviews of the coming generation, it will not last. It is impossible to move a generation’s ideology without a sweeping move of the power of God. This is what happened on Mount Carmel in 1 Kings 18: 30-40. As a result of Elijah re-establishing the altar of the Lord and crying out to God, a demonstration of power caused a hardened, deceived people to fall on their face and cry out “The Lord, He is God, The Lord, He is God”. This signaled a shift not just in a few people, but within a culture. A nation was turning back to God.

This is the same thing we are after. It is quite interesting that on the day our conference began, Billy Graham died. His death signaled the billion-soul harvest that has been prophesied. This harvest should not only produce massive amounts of people being born again but also a reclaiming of nations back to their kingdom purpose and destiny.

As we progressed in the conference to the midpoint, two prophetic dreams were had by those helping lead and minister in the conference. The first was that we were moving things around so that there could be a greater demonstration of God’s power. This is exactly what we were doing in the courts of heaven and on the trading floors there. The trading floors are a part of the courts of heaven. When we step onto them in His courts, we can operate in spiritual transactions that will allow the passion of God to be done. This is actually what Elijah was doing on Mount Carmel. The altar he rebuilt became a trading floor. This produced the demonstration of power to reclaim a nation. To get a better view of this, let me briefly explain the trading floors of heaven.

The first thing we should know is that trading is a heavenly activity. Ezekiel 28:14-16 shows that before Lucifer was cast out of heaven, he functioned through trading in this realm.

You were the anointed cherub that covers, and I set you there; you were upon the holy mountain of God; you walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. You were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created, until iniquity was found in you. By the multitude of your merchandise,
you were filled with violence in your midst, and you sinned; therefore I have cast you as profane out of the mountain of God; and I have destroyed you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.

Most people have read this passage from a negative standpoint and concluded that trading is evil and bad. However it wasn’t the trading that was evil, but the trading with an evil heart. Iniquity was found in Lucifer and therefore his motive for trading became corrupt and polluted. Trading is in fact a heavenly/spiritual activity of the courts of heaven. We know this for at least a couple of reasons. Trading is heavenly in nature, because this is what Jesus did on the cross. He made a trade. He took our sin and gave us His righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21). He carried away our sickness so we could be healed (Isaiah 53: 4). He also became poor that we might be rich (II Corinthians 8:9). Also notice where the trading was being done: on the holy mountain of God and the fiery stones of heaven. This is where Lucifer was functioning before the Lord. The holy mountain of God speaks of a governmental spiritual dimension. Satan, because of his corrupt motive filled with iniquity in his trade, was kicked out of this dimension. We now have been granted access into this spiritual dimension that Satan as Lucifer once occupied. This is one of the reason he hates us so much. Hebrews 12: 22-24 shows a dimension in which we have been granted permission to function.

 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels; to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, who are enrolled in heaven; to God, the Judge of all; and to the spirits of the righteous ones made perfect; and to Jesus, the Mediator of a new covenant; and to the sprinkled blood that speaks better than that of Abel.

Please notice where we have come. We have come to and been positioned in Mount Zion. We are now in the same realm of the heavenly dimension out of which Lucifer was thrown. This is the spiritual atmosphere into which we now have access. If you will look carefully, you will find that what is in Mount Zion or the holy mountain of God is legal activity. The church or ecclesia is a legal entity. “God the Judge” is legal. “The spirits of the righteous ones made perfect” is a reference to the cloud of witnesses, which is judicial in nature. Jesus as the Mediator of a new covenant is legal. The blood that speaks or gives testimony is legal as well. That which is in the holy mountain of God/Mount Zion is legal and where the courts of heaven operate from in the spirit! To complete the connecting of the dots, notice that in the holy mountain of God/Mount Zion, where the courts of heaven are, there are the fiery stones. This is the trading floor of heaven. It is the place where in the spirit we bring our offerings and make trades even for the destiny of nations. This is what Noah did in Genesis 8:20-22. When Noah came out of the ark, he erected an altar. In the natural, he could not get to the fiery stones in heaven, so he built an altar in the earth to make a trade. When Noah traded the best of the animals that had been reserved for this purpose, God’s heart was soothed and moved. He issued a judicial decree as a result of Noah’s trade. It released the earth from a curse! Noah’s trade had this kind of power because he was the one presently in charge of the earth. From this place of recognized authority, the trade was made, and the earth was freed from the curse. The ekklesia of God, His recognized church, has this same right to stand in the courts of heaven and make trades that are judicial in nature. This is what we do in our conferences and did in this one to “Unlock the Supernatural From the Courts of Heaven”.

Through our function before Him in trading in the courts of heaven, we were moving out of the way the resistance that would hinder the level of supernatural that can see the mindset of culture shift. This is why the first dream was that things were being moved around so there could be a greater release of power known and experienced.

The other dream was very significant as well, connected to our activities in the courts of heaven on the trading floors. In this dream, we were midway through the conference. Two ladies who were heavenly beings showed up to sell oils. One of the ministers asked the ladies why they waited until the midpoint of the conference to come. Their response was “Because the new oils have just been released.” Wow! God has released from heaven “new oils.” This is what we were and are contending for. Through our trading on the trading floor of heaven in the courts of heaven, things could be released.

There is coming to the nations of the earth a flow of these new oils that will produce a sweeping move of the supernatural of God. Claim your portion for yourself. Keep your eyes and ears open. We will begin to see and hear new oils being released that will result in the worldview of cultures shifting. So be it, Lord. This supernatural will produce a great harvest but also shift the mindset of cultures. We will then have not just a reformation but that which can be sustained for generations. Thank You, Lord, for healing our lands! {eoa}

Robert Henderson is a global apostolic leader who operates in revelation and impartation. His teaching empowers the body of Christ to see the hidden truths of Scripture clearly and apply them for breakthrough results. Driven by a mandate to disciple nations through writing and speaking, Robert travels extensively around the globe, teaching on the apostolic, the kingdom of God, the “seven mountains” and most notably, the courts of heaven.

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