Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Prophetic Dream: Aggressive Foxes Run Among Us!

After the 21 days of consecration in the new year, I was given three prophetic back-to-back dreams of foxes among us. In the dream, they were making holes, eating the fruit and damaging the properties established by the farmers of the fields. In this series of dreams, the foxes were beautiful in appearance but aggressive in nature. I began to pray and the Lord took me to the Scriptures concerning foxes and what they represent spiritually and symbolically.

In Song of Solomon 2:15, the Shulammite says, Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom.” In this poetic book, the Shulammite woman was speaking of a foxhunt. As with many images in this beautiful poem, the foxes are symbolic in nature.

Solomon’s readers considered foxes to be destructive animals that could destroy valuable vineyards and properties (see Judges 15:4, Ps. 63:10; Ezek. 13:4). As the Shulammite emphatically expresses her deep love for King Solomon, she emphasis the necessity of catching the foxes that spoil the vines in the vineyards. In this passage of Scripture in the Song of Songs, it may be supposed that the blossoming vineyard is suggested of a growing romance between the two. The foxes could then represent potential friction and problems that could ultimately damage their relationship before marriage (which takes place in Chapter 5).

The future bride is making proactive and preventative measures to protect their love from any potential danger. Why would God show me foxes that looked like wolves? He is speaking of the nature of these two animals. Both animals look like dogs or household pets, but they are very much wild animals. We must understand that in ancient literature, wild animals were often used to symbolize issues that could separate romantic love.

For example, Egyptian love songs would often use crocodiles as a picture of imminent threat to couples in love. In Israel, crocodiles were not common, but foxes were. Ezekiel 13:4 says, O Israel, your prophets are like the foxes in the ruins.” The Lord was informing me that we are to watch out for the foxes that are among us that will threaten and disrupt our relationship with the Father. God will use true prophets that will expose the foxes (craftiness) in our midst. In addition, there will be foxes speaking of individuals and false prophets that will come to break up families, ministries, churches, marriages, businesses and divine covenant relationships. We are to safeguard ourselves from the foxes that comes to discredit, sabotage, destroy, bring division and dissemble what you are building for the Lord. Foxes are coming to destroy the dream, vision, prophecy and assignment on your life.

In the Old Testament, foxes are mentioned in Judges 15, where 300 foxes were released with torches tied to each other’s tails on purpose to destroy the grain fields of the Philistines. Moreover, in Nehemiah 4:3, the evil Tobiah mocks the rebuilding project of Jerusalem’s wall, mockingly saying, “Whatever they build, if even a fox goes up on it, he will break down their stone wall.” He knew the damaging effect of what foxes can do. I believe the enemy is unleashing foxes (individuals) speaking of counterfeits, false ministries, false prophets and leaders that will come to deceive, influence and bring discord within your sphere of activity. The enemy is after your love-relationship with the Father and those He has called you to come into covenant with.

We must know beyond the shadow of a doubt those we are to labor with in the Lord. The Bible says know those that labor among you. God spoke to me that the enemy is after your harvest. Consequently, the enemy is sending out foxes in response to harvesters to bring ruins in the vineyard or in the family of God. Jesus understood the nature of foxes when he described Herod, saying, “Go and tell that fox, ‘Look, I cast out demons. And I perform healings today and tomorrow, and on the third day I shall be perfected'” (Luke 13:32).

Jesus labeled Herod a “fox” as a rebuke of that monarch’s deceitful, cunning, selfish, crafty and worthless nature and ways. Herod’s animalistic ways opposed the advancement of the kingdom of God. The strategy of the enemy is to keep you from reaping and fulfilling your God-given assignment in Christ. Song of Solomon 2:15 offers a beautiful picture and verse concerning “the vineyards are ‘in blossom'”—in speaking of the love romance that was growing, intense and preparing to finally bloom, bud and bear fruit. It was imperative in this love story that the “foxes” were to be caught and destroyed meaning that all potential threats to their relationship has to be severed, cut off or removed.

The Lord is saying we are to identify the foxes that are occupying our lives (vineyards), by removing them. There are unhealthy relationships that we come into that God hasn’t authorized, and the fruit of that relationship is often pain, heartache, headaches, disappointments, failure, debt, stress and destruction. One thing that stood out to me concerning the Shulammite woman was her wisdom when she specifies that the foxes are “little”—it’s the little things, the things overlooked, that often spoil the things we value. God is admonishing us to not be so consumed with our daily activities that we miss the small things that can really bring major damage.

The heart of the bride-to-be for her lover, Solomon, was that he was to address and remove all dangers, obstacles, resistance and threats to their love life. Anything that comes in our lives that become distractions to our purpose, destiny and calling in God, we must be on guard and be bold to address head-on. God is saying we must do our due diligence in paying attention to the “little things.” In other words, we must “pray attention” to anything and anyone who is unhealthy, unproductive and destructive to your Christian walk. {eoa}

Dr. Hakeem Collins is an empowerment specialist, respected emerging prophetic voice, apostolic leader, governmental minister, life coach and sought-after conference speaker. He is known for his keen accurate prophetic gifting and supernatural ministry. He is the founder of Champions International, The Prophetic Academy and Revolution Network based in Wilmington, Delaware, where he resides. He is the author of several books: Born to Prophesy, Heaven Declares and Prophetic Breakthrough. He has been featured on many television, streaming and radio programs including Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural and Cornerstone TV. Follow on him: and

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