Mon. Mar 24th, 2025

Prophecy: ‘You Are Going to See the Man of War I Am’

“You question this one I placed in the White House for this time? You are offended by his speech and demeanor?

“I tell you, though his flesh often reacts and his ego feels threatened, it is my zeal that I have placed in this one you have prayed for. It is my righteous anger at the demonic forces swirling within this nation that I have burned into his bones.

“Though he may believe them to be his natural enemies, it is I who speak to the spiritual enemies that continue to assail this nation and My people. Even when his flesh rules his mouth, it is I who rule his destiny.

“Do not question the Potter as to the clay He chooses to mold and shape. I have placed this one as a David, for he is a man of war. Not a man to bring war or cause war, but a man who is not afraid to war against those who oppose Me in the high places of darkness and deception.

“Many do not yet perceive the demonic battles raging for control of this nation, and I need those who are not afraid to war for My cause. This one I have placed in office is not fully aware of how I use him, but it is because of the prayers of the saints that I use even his weaknesses and missteps to champion the causes of My kingdom and your salvation.

“Do not allow any offense to blind your eyes to the realities of the unseen realm. Do not allow the distraction of his speech to turn your attention from what I am doing in higher places.

“You think Me a tame God? You think My meekness and humility My only attributes? I tell you, in these days you shall see aspects of My character and My name that you have not yet seen.

“You are going to see the Man of war that I am, for I have not come to bring peace, but to bring the sword with which to rightly divide the sheep from the goats, the true from the counterfeit and the religious from the pure in heart.

“Before there can be peace among men, the demonic forces warring with souls and deceiving minds must be overthrown and silenced. My zeal is being unleashed, and I am not afraid to offend minds in order to expose the flesh.

“You must pray for this president. Do not idolize the man, for in so doing, the ivory tower will surely fall. He is new to this kingdom and has much to learn.

“I will teach him as well as correct him. You must pray with eyes wide open and discernment keen. For this is not about a man. It is about My purposes being accomplished in whosoever will!

He has made himself available and thus being steered by My hand.

“You must keep your eyes fixed on the goal of My kingdom being manifest and the realities of heaven coming to earth. Do not look to man or any whom I call in this hour. All are but vessels and parts of the whole.

“I will use many in the days to come that will not seem qualified by man’s standards. I will use many that will shock the world, many that have been hidden from the opposition in order to unseat age-old principalities and powers.

“Come up higher! I say to come up to where I am, and the enemy is denied access!

“It is only from this place before My throne that you can be changed by My presence and permeated with My Spirit. It is only through My Spirit that you will rightly pray and rightly rule.

“Your prayers are being answered. I am working on your behalf. Use My eyes with which to see, and all will become clear.”

Wanda Alger is a field correspondent with Intercessors for America. She ministers with her husband in Winchester, Virginia. Follow her blog at

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