Fri. Jan 10th, 2025

Prophecy: ‘My New Sounds Are Rising From My Burning Altars of Worship’

Did you know that your worship continues on long after the songs are over?

The Lord has been highlighting to me for many months the importance of developing our own altar of worship in our daily lives, and that this year would be a year of the “new song.” This “new song” is mentioned seven times in Scripture, but I will use only one here: “Sing to Him a new song; play an instrument skillfully with a joyful shout” (Ps. 33:3).

Holy Spirit has been wooing us for quite some time, to come into His holy presence with such a gentle, sweet calling of His voice, wooing and beckoning to us saying, “Come! Come unto me, in this very moment.” Make wherever you are, an altar for the Lord. You are the sacrifice! You are the altar of the Lord, 24/7! Your worship continues on long after the songs are over.

“You are the song! Worship is a way of life. Wherever you may be, driving down the road, at work, or in the shower—it doesn’t matter. You are the worship song to the Lord. Hallelujah. Your worship is 24/7, every waking moment and every sleeping moment, in the quietness of the night, to dream the dreams of God. Your worship doesn’t stop. You are the 24/7 worship house of the Lord. And right now, you are part of God’s eternal worship team. Holy Spirit quickened this song to my heart: “No rock’s gonna take my place! No rock’s gonna take my place! No rock. No rock!”

He answered them, “I tell you, if these should be silent, the stones would immediately cry out” (Luke 19:40).

You are a “living stone” in the house of my God. You are a living stone in Him; one that reverberates life, 24/7. The Lord is now strategically placing you by His very hand; where in days past, man has tried to place you, but it didn’t fit. Man tried to force you into a hole where you didn’t belong.

You have been a “living stone” at the altar of my God, where the greatest stonemason in the entire universe has been hammering and hammering on you, and He said, “Not ready yet. Not ready yet.” “Is not my word like a hammer?” He said in Jeremiah. “And I’ve been pounding on you, because there were some rough places that I needed to break off to get just the perfect fit. Oh, the very rocks will cry out. … He’s been hammering on us all, and it’s been painful at times! But we can’t allow our current situation to steal our song! No rock’s going to take my place! No, no, no!

Your personal praise, 24/7, when no one else is watching, will be your primary weapon for your breakthrough. You and God are a majority. Holy Spirit sang this phrase: “I’m looking for one! I’m looking for one!”

“For the eyes of the Lord move about on all the earth to strengthen the heart that is completely toward Him” (2 Chron. 16:9a).

“Can I find one who has made an altar of worship when no one’s watching? One that has brought down the fire of God to already consume the sacrifice that has worshiped at my feet before they stand in the pulpit, for you are the sacrifice! You are the fuel for my fire, and you are going to release the new sound and the new song in your own life, at your own altar, and give a shout of praise when no one else is around.”

“Sing unto Him a new song” (Ps. 33:3). Play skillfully with a loud noise … with a loud noise … with a loud noise. Sometimes you have to release a shout! You have my permission right now, to shout onto the Lord, for He is good. For no rock is going to take my place. He is good! When you have nothing else to say, a hallelujah will do. It means “Let us praise the Lord,” or “Praise Yahweh”! You are releasing the greatest praise that you could ever speak, and it’s the same in every language. (It is a pure Hebrew word and yet is found in almost every language under the sun.) Their word for “hallelujah” is “hallelujah”! “Hallelujah”! There’s no confusion in this word!

God is raising up a people who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. We know the word, but we need the spirit with the word to be in a 50/50 balance. You won’t be afraid of getting out of balance. Too much word and not enough spirit, the lampstand falls over and it gives no light. Too much spirit and not enough word- same result! God’s looking for the worshiper! You will worship at His feet before you stand in His pulpit. You’ll be a worshiper before you ever teach the word or play before thousands. You will worship in the fields before anyone invites you to the party.

Little David was not invited. He was worshipping in the field at his own altar. Samuel asked, “Is there another? Jesse, are all your sons here?” The oldest, handsomest, smartest, tallest, and strongest, were all brought before Samuel, the Lord’s prophet.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees. For man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the hear'” (1 Sam. 16:7).

He’s looking for one, with the heart of God. What made David so special? Was he perfect? No. He had the heart of God. Because, then, when you mess up, you are quick to repent. You have the heart of God. He’s not looking for perfection, because we’ve all missed the mark, but He has been molding and shaping the heart of the worshipper.

The Lord sees you all as the Marys who have broken open your alabaster box while worshiping at Jesus’ feet when no one else in the room was willing to honor Jesus for who He was. They had a meal in His honor, and it was customary to anoint the guest. But no one was willing to honor even Jesus at a meal planned just for him. But Mary broke open everything she had—a year’s wages at his feet. The disciples thought it was a waste. To the world it will be a waste. Your worship will be foolish and a waste of time, but you’re building an altar of his anointing for your own life, and that’s all you need.

“For you are my anointed ones,” says the Lord. “Oh my Davids, I am calling you out from the fields, from the place of worship. I’m in need of you now. I’m pouring out my ‘alabaster box’ of costly perfumes upon you now with the anointing of my Son. And this is the anointing of kings! You’re a king in my kingdom, with a small k,” says the Lord. “You are my kings! Right now, this anointing is yours that establishes you as my kings. It doesn’t matter about male or female. God’s not looking at gender. For there are females who are called to preach my word in the earth and to call fire down out of heaven. For now is your time! I have called you for such a time as this.”

“Oh my mighty Davids, come in out of the cold! Come out of the fields, for I am pouring out an anointing of my kings with my power and authority to establish my kingdom here in the earth. The anointing of my son David, in the lineage of Jesus Christ of Nazareth—his anointing—in unlimited portion. You have to get that word, “unlimited.” It’s unlimited! Just receive it all by grace right now. This is a now moment! He’s pouring out His anointing right now in this moment. How big is your cup? How wide is your cup? How wide and how deep is the love of God? How much do you want? He’s not going to stop until you say, “When”! Until you say, “When.” Until you don’t want any more or can’t take any more. Anointings to preach my word in the earth. Anointings for my revelation, of my line between the line. I’m going to open up the Word, and I’m going to share my heart’s desire with you. And I’m going to reveal deep mysteries of my heart to my David’s in this hour. Preachers: You will preach my words with a fresh fire, with a new powerful anointing, that will break the yoke like never before. You will see the captives set free with My Word in the power and demonstration of My spirit,” says the Lord.

“For this is a new day. The dawning of a new day. Where I am making all things new. I’m speaking Revelation 21:5. I’m making all things new. Everything. Your ministries are going to be new and fresh unlike anything else you have ever seen. There’ll be no point of reference for what God is about to do in your ministry, because it’s not anything like the old. It won’t look the same. It won’t sound the same. It will be completely new and completely fresh. God’s pouring out this anointing upon you now to equip us for every good work in Christ. He is sending you out but not in name only but fully weaponized. You won’t lack any one good thing. Your cup runs over. You’ll have too much. And the secret of the kingdom is just to keep giving it away. Freely have you received; freely give, and the more you give the more you’ll receive!”

“You will preach my Word with my fire,” says the Lord. “You’ll preach my Word with a fresh fire, and fresh anointing like you have never known before. For I am taking the coal and touching your lips to cleanse and purify your speech! You’ve said, ‘Here I am.’ It’s the anointing of Isaiah 6 in the throne room as the seraphim cried out “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty. For it is through your worship, as you cried out ‘Holy, holy, holy,’ the coal is going to touch your lips and bring My refiner’s fire in you to speak My words in the earth. This will literally consume every sacrifice around you. If there’s a tree within 100 miles around you, My fire will consume it! My people are trees, and My Word will consume every tree around you. You will cause forest fires wherever you go, in Jesus’ mighty name. You’ll set this world on fire! And I’m seeing many mighty forests yet to be consumed. And I’m seeing many blazing forest fires all across the USA and into the nations of the earth!”

In many places in Scripture, people are trees symbolically. You are oaks of righteousness. You are the palm trees, cedar trees and olive trees. The sweet fragrance of the Lord. Humanity is seen in the burning bush; a tree set on fire with the glory of God. I’m seeing the church as many burning bushes coming together to form one mighty forest fire in this time. “You are my burning bushes! You are the sacrifice, the altars of my worship. You are humanity set on fire with the glory of God with nothing left to be consumed in you, where everything else is burned to a crisp,” says the Lord your God.

This is where we are right now in the body of Christ, in this our now time, and that’s what we need. If it’s not God’s; we don’t want it anyway, and we say, “God, send your fire upon this sacrifice. Send your fire, Lord! {eoa}

David Lebo of Tidal Wave Ministries, has a passion for awakening among the nations boldly proclaiming the word of the Lord as a voice of “one crying in the wilderness”. He ministers in freedom to release the fullness of God’s Kingdom! He is author of the book: Abiding Under The Shadow.

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