Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

Prophecy: ‘As the Great Physician, I Am Coming to Make House Calls’

While in worship in August of last year, at the local church assembly where we attend, I heard the Lord say, “I Am the Great Physician, and I am getting ready to do ‘house calls’ again.” As I pressed into what He was saying over the next few weeks, He continued to download to me what all He meant by this.

I released just a small portion of this word previously, but did not feel the timing was right for me to fully release what the Lord spoke to me then. I felt the Lord stir this word up in me again, as it took on even more meaning with what has currently been happening with the COVID-19 pandemic, as many across the nation and world have had to be in their homes much more than normal during this quarantine.

I believe that part of Him visiting homes and doing “house calls” will be for the sick during this time, where many who are sick with this virus are having to stay home, but also others who have been fighting sicknesses and illnesses are having to stay at home more as well. Many who have been fighting other sicknesses and diseases for some time will be healed, as they spend time in His presence during this time, as they take Communion and receive the healing that comes in the atonement.

I have sensed that taking Communion and focusing on receiving healing would be paramount during this time, not just to protect ourselves from this virus in our homes, but for other things He is wanting to heal us from. This includes mental and emotional “disease” that He is wanting to bring healing to for many. This includes chronic depression, chemical imbalances, bipolar disorder and many others that effect mental and emotional well-being.

I heard the Lord say:

“As the Great Physician, I am coming to do ‘house calls’ again. In the houses of My people, I will visit them, and I will begin to heal those who have not been able to receive healing, in their innermost parts, in their souls and in their bodies!

“What man cannot do, I, the Great Physician, can do. Nothing is impossible with Me…if you only believe! What physicians, medical staff, and even counselors and therapists see as hopeless, chronic or acute, I see as only something to drive out and be removed. I have already done all the work, as I paid the price for their healing with the stripes I took, but now it is time for many to know Me as this, to receive from Me as this: their Great Physician who has come to heal them. I am Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals you! I am Jehovah-Jireh, the God who provides all that is needed!

“It is time for My people to expect the healing that I have already paid for to begin to manifest in their bodies, and allow My Spirit to drive sickness and disease from their lives, their homes and their families.”

This is something that I know is just the beginning of many healings and miracles manifesting in the homes of many of His children, extending even after this time of quarantine is over.

Even though the Lord spoke of healings in homes, I did not get the sense that healings would not be taking place in bodies of believers and assemblies, but that this would be in addition to what He would be doing there as well. I believe that many will begin to see healings in gatherings large and small, as they come back together after this quarantine time. That is, if they have sought Him for this during this time.

There are leaders (apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers) who have been led to pray and seek the Lord much more during this time, to hear Him in a new and fresh way in this season, who will come out of this with a fire blazing for His presence and power to be known among the people as they gather again! Healings and deliverances will become much more prominent in many who are seeking Him for this.

Let me encourage many leaders to use this time wisely. Do not be too hasty to begin services as usual during this season. Relish the time set aside, where the Lord is giving you the opportunity to seek Him as never before, to do a reset on your ministry, your call and, most especially, your relationship with Him.

Don’t you long to see Him break out in ways you’ve never dreamed of, and touch His people in ways you have only imagined? Make room for Him to do so, and He will.

It is time to prepare and expect for the Great Physician to visit homes, and His House again! {eoa}

Amanda Shiflett is the founder of Prophetic Reformer and co-founder of Kingdom Life Ministries along with her husband, Darin. She is a prophetic minister who heard the Lord’s call from a very young age. She is a heralding voice of truth, holiness and purity within the prophetic and calls others to stand in a place of no compromise in their callings. She longs to see reformation come to the prophetic movement, as well as the other parts of the fivefold within the body of Christ. Along with her calling as a prophetess, Amanda also flows in a powerful worship and healing anointing and is a gifted teacher and writer as well. Darin and Amanda live in North Texas.

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