This is the word given through a compilation of the prophetic releases and consensus of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE). There are differing variables that can affect the timing and/or coming to pass of these words:

2. A prophecy may take longer than one calendar year to come to pass. Some [will] take many years to fulfill.
3. It is possible that prophetic warnings will cause either the person or the nation to repent and so turn away the judgment prophesied. Biblically, this happened when Jonah prophesied to Nineveh and the city repented, causing God to relent.
Key Scripture Passage for 2010
“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place” (2 Cor. 2:14, NKJV).
2010 is the year in which we will win. This is a year to triumph in Christ and diffuse the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
2010 is the year to wake up. It is time to wake up and see both what the enemy is trying to do and what God wants to do through us. This is a year when God will help us “see” in a supernatural way those things that we have felt as if we could not understand.
The Year of the Wind
2010 will be a year of the wind. There is a new Pentecost about to be poured out upon God’s people who are hungering for more of Him. The wind of the Holy Spirit is going to blow us in the right direction and into the place that God wants us to be. We will see glorious manifestations of His divine power with signs and wonders.
Many nations will feel the impact of this mighty wind. Indonesia will once again be swept over by the Holy Spirit, along with Thailand, Poland, North Korea, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. Alaska will see a move of the Holy Spirit among the Native Alaskans.
New wells of revival will break out, and many will drink from the wells of salvation.
Many will teach on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are going to need to see them all function in the church in this day to fulfill our mission.
We will see a special increase of the word of wisdom. The word of wisdom is supernatural insight into what to do that will secure our future. The manifestation of this gift will be such that from one moment to the next we will have the plan or “road map” on what we are to do for our future.
Third Great Awakening
We believe that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that came on November 11, 2009, in Kansas City signaled the beginning of a Third Great Awakening that we prophesied would come to America and the world. November 11th was the day the Pilgrims made covenant with God in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Many intercessors across the nation are crying out to God for the nation to once again become “a city set on a hill.” If we continue to pray and call out to God, the nation will shift.
Many churches will wake up and evangelize the lost in their cities and nations. Thousands will be swept into the kingdom of God through new “power evangelism” movements in which people [will be] shown by supernatural means that God is real.
Churches who haven’t baptized in years will begin to see many people come to Christ. Dead churches will become resurrected under the fire and power of the Holy Spirit’s working, and many [who are] lost will be swept into the kingdom of God.