Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

2018 Prophecy: Millennials Poised for a Rapid Rise in an ‘Accelerated Acceleration’

A metamorphosis is underway. That’s what I heard the Lord say about 2018—but there’s more to it. The Lord also showed me an acceleration.

Indeed, part of this metamorphosis, which will begin even now and continue in the years ahead, will see an accelerated acceleration.

Accelerate means “to move faster: to gain speed; to progress from grade to grade more rapidly than usual; to bring about at an earlier time; to cause to move faster; to hasten the progress or development of,” according to Merriam-Webster. Acceleration means “a change in velocity,” according to

We’re about to those who accept their God-given callings and embrace the metamorphosis move faster, gain speed, progress more rapidly and step into the new anointings at a younger age. Millennials are poised for a rapid rise. Part of this prophesied accelerated acceleration is pressing into the spirit of innovation and creativity. The two are tied together. I’ll talk more about that in another article.

At the same time, for the older generation, God is going to make up for lost time and fulfill Joel 2:25-27 as they embrace the spirit of innovation: “And I will compensate you for the years the locusts have eaten—the larval locust, the hopper locust, and the fledging locust—My great army which I sent against you. You will eat abundantly and be satisfied, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; and My people will never again be shamed. Then you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, that I am the Lord your God, and that there is no other. And My people will never again be shamed.”

The struggle of metamorphosis at the individual level is not always a physical one. Many times it’s the challenge to embrace something new—that new wineskin for the new wine God wants to pour into you and release through you. Sometimes the struggle—the suffering—is a pruning away of relationships that you have to let go because some are not called or simply are not willing to go with you to the next level.

Embrace the metamorphosis. Embrace the accelerated acceleration. Embrace what God is doing in your life. Behold, He is doing a new thing!

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