Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

Daily Prayer. Daily Goals.

Why are we taught to pray for daily bread?

The first word of the prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matt. 6:11), provides a good clue as to why Jesus taught us to pray in this manner.

When we ask for the Lord to “give us,” we acknowledge that we can’t make it on our own. We are fully dependent upon His provision. I cannot foresee a single day of my life in which I would not pray this prayer, with full understanding of the great need.

I believe the word “daily” indicates short-term. I often pray this prayer at the end of the day and I understand it to be tomorrow or rather soon! The Lord cares about short-term needs and petitions.

After I pray for daily bread, I’m ready to set daily goals that match my requests of the Lord. My goals line up with my prayers.

Daily goals include more than the check-off of daily to-dos.

A daily goal is to “speak no words of death to or about anyone.”

My outcomes today and throughout my life are better when I speak words of life.

Another goal is to serve my clients better than their expectations. I know what is better. See a need and fill it with excellent work.

A third daily goal may be to simply stay in my lane. The more I remain in my calling and work in my strengths, the better things seem to go.

Daily bread brings us closer to our daily goals.

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