Valerie G. Lowe

  • White Supremacist Kills Security Guard at Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

    James W. von Brunn, an 88-year-old white supremacist, opened fire in the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, killing security guard, Stephen T. Johns, before being critically wounded by museum guards. Officials say when Johns opened the door for von Brunn to tour the museum, the suspect shot Johns in the chest, killing him…

  • What Not to Wear

    Remember several years ago when Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake were performing at the Super Bowl Half-Time Show, and he ripped off her costume exposing her chest to nearly 90 million viewers? The performance caused uproar in the public arena over indecency on TV, and led to bills being passed increasing fines against broadcasters that…

  • Praise Him in the Storm

    Praise Him in the Storm

    Circumstances do not change the goodness and faithfulness of God. He is always worthy of our praises. When we're in the valley, our thanksgiving lifts us into heavenly places and enlarges the vision of who our God is. The greater our sacrifice of praise, the greater will be our joy and assurance of victory. Read…

  • Touring the Temple Mount

    The southern area of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem houses many archaeological finds including 200 ton stones, bath houses, and what is said to be the oldest interchange in the world. It was built more than 2,000 years ago during the Herodian period. To tour the ancient biblical site watch the video below.

  • Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Obama ‘Share’ Quest for Peace in Middle East

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded positively to U.S. President Barack Obama's address from Cairo to the Muslim world on Thursday, voicing hope that the speech would foster reconciliation between Israel and its Arab neighbors. "The government of Israel expresses hope that President Obama's important speech will lead to a new period of reconciliation between…

  • Are You Addicted to S_ _?

    Several years ago my friend mustered up the confidence to tell me about her struggle with lust. Even though she wasn't dating anyone, she was afraid her fixation would eventually seduce her into having premarital sex. Thinking about her problem made me want to blog about premarital sex, a topic I believe the church often…

  • Finding Security in the Father

    We've likely had many opportunities to learn that seeking acceptance from anyone other than God is sinful, not to mention futile. But the hurts we experience in life can sometimes leave us feeling such rejection that we become desperate for people's approval. This sets us up for more heartache since no one can consistently give…

  • Lord, a Husband Please

    Lord, a Husband Please

    Recently my good friend and co-worker married a wonderful, God-sent man. As I watched their beautiful Italian ceremony, I was reminded of the many years I spent with her praying and asking the Lord to send her a husband. So needless to say, I was excited to see her stroll down the aisle! My friend wanted

  • How to Plan Your Ultimate Israel Pilgrimage

    How to Plan Your Ultimate Israel Pilgrimage

    What if it were possible to travel back in time to ancient Jerusalem, where Jesus made His triumphal entry into the city? Or to take Holy Communion in the Garden Tomb where Christ was once buried? For many Christians, a pilgrimage to the Holy Land is only a dream. But it doesn’t have to be!

  • 10 Ways to Bless Israel

    Many Christians have a love for Israel and are eager to visit the nation. But often their dreams don't stretch beyond touring the sites that have biblical significance for both Jews and Christians and perhaps taking photographs of them. However, there are numerous ways visitors can be a blessing to Israel, interact with the people…

  • Healing Hands at Hadassah

    While I was in Israel in late March, I took time away from my tour schedule to visit Hadassah Medical Center. I'm glad I did. Hadassah was founded in 1918 and is the second largest employer in Jerusalem. But what impressed me the most were the stories I heard about the hospital long before I…

  • Lord, a Husband Please

    Recently my good friend and co-worker married a wonderful, God-sent man. As I watched their beautiful Italian ceremony, I was reminded of the many years I spent with her praying and asking the Lord to send her a husband. So needless to say, I was excited to see her stroll down the aisle! My friend wanted…

  • Grace to Grieve and Go Forward

    God seems nearer to us when we are grieving the loss of someone we love. Trusting His Spirit to enable us, we will find ourselves going on, with our strength renewed, one step at a time.

  • Fueling the Fire: Grace to Grieve and Go Forward

    God seems nearer to us when we are grieving the loss of someone we love. Trusting His Spirit to enable us, we will find ourselves going on, with our strength renewed, one step at a time. Read 2 Cor. 1:1-10 1 Thess. 4:13-14 Heb. 4:14-16 Rev. 21:4 Heart Issue In our grief, we are often

  • Jewish Facilities Target of Terror Plot in New York

    The four men arrested Wednesday for allegedly plotting to bomb a Jewish community center and a synagogue in Bronx, New York, have been charged with "conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction in the United States" and "conspiracy to acquire and use anti-aircraft missiles," CNN reported. According to a criminal complaint filed in White Plains,…

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