Sarah Stegall

  • What You Should Know About Cervical Cancer and HPV

    Cervical cancer begins in the cervix, which is the part of the uterus that opens to the vagina. It has become rare in the United States in recent years because most women get Pap tests that detect it before it starts or find it early enough to treat it easily.IMPORTANCE OF REGULAR PAP TESTS A…

  • Say Yes to God’s Promises

    (Part 1) God can speak to you at any time. He uses His prophets in the church or the Bible, His written word. But here is a vital question: Are you ready to pay the cost and give up what is necessary to fulfill His direction and call on your life?

  • Six Natural Weapons to Fight Diabetes

    We often hear about avoiding the foods and beverages that can raise our risk of developing diabetes such as alcohol, fast food, processed meats, high-sugar foods, soft drinks and so on. But according to the October 2006 issue of Shape magazine, here are six things you should add to your diet to arm your body's…

  • Six Natural Weapons to Fight Diabetes (2)

    We often hear about avoiding the foods and beverages that can raise our risk of developing diabetes such as alcohol, fast food, processed meats, high-sugar foods, soft drinks and so on. But according to the October 2006 issue of Shape magazine, here are six things you should add to your diet to arm your body's…

  • Take the Risk of Faith

    (PART 1) If we are not careful, we can begin to view our lives as limited to a shortfall of blessings—when the opposite is true. God is a loving God of abundance. As a result, we are destined to be blessed when we obey Him and walk according to His Word.

  • The Daughters’ Inheritance

    (Part 1) Despite the fact that women have often been denied their rightful place in ministry, God has created His daughters on an equal level with men. His Word shows that He has empowered them to be bold, and He has commissioned them to take the land for His kingdom.

  • Wired for Relationships

    (PART 1) You and I were created to have godly relationships with others. The Holy Spirit, who gives us wisdom in all things, will empower and guide us in establishing and maintaining healthy associations that will last.

  • Seven Secrets to Keeping Your Joy

    (PART 1)Are certain people or circumstances getting you down? Consider the fact that the Lord really is in charge. It is the Holy Spirit who should lead you and "make your day," not the whims or moods or others or the circumstances you face.

  • What’s Your Type?

    Joseph Christiano, N.D., C.N.C., puts a new twist on the oft-repeated phrase "You are what you eat." He says that to be healthy we have to eat what we are! Meaning? "Each of us should eat a diet that is compatible with our blood type," Christiano says, because "each blood type has different characteristics that…

  • What’s Your Type?

    Joseph Christiano, N.D., C.N.C., puts a new twist on the oft-repeated phrase "You are what you eat." He says that to be healthy we have to eat what we are! Meaning? "Each of us should eat a diet that is compatible with our blood type," Christiano says, because "each blood type has different characteristics that…

  • Going Around in Circles

    ONCE WHEN I WAS helping my 11-year-old son, Glenn, study for a spelling test, he asked me what the word "circumnavigate" meant. I explained to him that it meant "to sail around the world," whereupon I began to tell him about Magellan, and how, after his ship had circumnavigated the world, Magellan was killed in…

  • Armed with His Might

    (PART 1) Often it appears Satan has the upper hand–attacking our marriages, our families, our jobs, and even our identities–causing us to feel powerless and out of control. If we are to walk in victory over the attacks of the enemy, we must recognize that God is mightier indeed! In His Word and by His

  • Mind Over Matter

    One way to avoid putting on weight, according to fitness trainer Dino Nowak, is to stop eating mindlessly, particularly while engaging in other activities such as watching TV. In his book The Final Makeover (Siloam), Nowak suggests that if you eat in front of a TV or computer screen you do not pay attention to

  • Read the Instructions

    My nieces had been teasing me about the growth of peach fuzz on my face, so I decided to use some hair remover on it. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how quickly it worked, and in the process, I managed to remove my eyebrows as well. Not a problem, I thought, I'll just use pencil till…

  • Mind Over Matter

    One way to avoid putting on weight, according to fitness trainer Dino Nowak, is to stop eating mindlessly, particularly while engaging in other activities such as watching TV. In his book The Final Makeover (Siloam), Nowak suggests that if you eat in front of a TV or computer screen you do not pay attention to

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