Sarah Stegall

  • Good and Perfect Gifts

    The book of James admonished first-century Jewish believers to forgo the lure of worldliness and, in spite of persecution, to hold fast to their faith. More than an epistle of trials, testings and temptations, James is a book of assurances and promises from the God of love to those who would choose to walk in…

  • The Psalm of Rest

    To be a follower of Christ is to enjoy the blessings of His fellowship, His protection and His provision. For it is His duty to preserve the lives of those in His care. As in nature, a disobedient or unruly sheep is subject to danger and appointed for chastening by the Shepherd. But along the…

  • Woman to Woman

    In her moment of greatest rejoicing, Mary, the mother of Jesus, sought the maturity and wisdom of her older cousin, Elizabeth, who had also received a miraculous visitation. But upon Mary's appearance, the older Elizabeth became subject to the younger woman, because of the magnitude of Mary's assignment from God. These two women's lives were…

  • Leading Children into Worship

    Children naturally seem to welcome the reality of God. In their innocence, once they are introduced to the Lord, they accept His existence and, unless they are hindered, readily begin to relate to His presence. Adults need the freedom to worship, sing and dance with the abandon of children. Our natural reserve makes it all…

  • The Requirement of Absolute Surrender

    In each of us the ongoing work of the Spirit is the cultivation of a yielded heart, obedient to His most subtle promptings. More than an act of the will, it is a continual dying to self that releases in us the power to overcome the flesh and surrender to God. Andrew Murray acknowledges our…

  • The Heart of a Worshiper

    Worship is an attitude of the heart that expresses itself in a lifestyle wholly given to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Only a heart that is yielded to His will and purposes can truly worship Him. Yet, worship is why we are here. For the Almighty, who created all things, finds pleasure and delight in…

  • Grace in Conflict

    Because we aren't thoroughly convinced of God's unconditional love, we place enormous demands on others and ourselves. When the standards of performance aren't met, we have difficulty accepting God's love and forgiveness, and we withhold those things from others. In order to protect ourselves, we tend to shy away from conflict. Often we choose to…

  • The Praying Life of Jesus

    The life of ardent, incessant prayer is one of supernatural power, provision and peace. In essence, it is the life of Christ formed and activated in us. Jesus, who lived a life of total dependence on His Father, was at all times at rest in God's will and firmly anchored in His purpose. Even when…

  • The Quest for Glory

    We were created in the image of God in order that we might respond to Him, fellowship with Him and reflect His love, glory and holiness. As carriers of the Spirit of God, we are to exemplify His nature in our interactions with other people. For this is how we bring glory to His name--by…

  • What’s Keeping Your Family from God

    Most believers can attest to the difficulty in winning loved ones to Christ. With so many underlying emotions at work, it can be a daunting task that involves great personal risk. A lover of God has no recourse but to utilize every means of making Him known to others. Any risk is worth it when…

  • The Witness of the Spirit

    How awesome it is to have the ministry of the Spirit informing us, guiding our decisions and revealing the truth when it would be outside the reach of our natural sensibilities. Discernment is a gracious offering from God to His children to protect them from deception. But discernment works by faith and must be cultivated…

  • Nothing Shall Hinder Us

    The storms that we encounter in life can so devastate us that we fail to remember there is One present with us upon whose strength we can draw. Amy Carmichael and others believed that even dark clouds attest to the presence of God with us in life's storms, for they are but the shadows of…

  • The Fruit of Your Confession

    Through carefully chosen words, we can encourage, counsel and edify ourselves and others. Conversely, words can also be used destructively both in our self-talk and in our communication with other people. What we say bears witness to what we believe and defines our reality. This is why we must live the truth, asking God to…

  • Paying the Price to Follow Christ

    Elisabeth Farrell's compelling article graphically reminds us of the cost millions must pay in order to say yes to Christ. Often, due to our longheld kinship with freedom, we can't imagine the depths of suffering that others around the world endure for their faith. It infuses our perspective with a healthy dose of realism when…

  • Submitting to God in Everything

    True spiritual authority should operate in an environment of godly wisdom and mutual support that releases individuals to fulfill their callings in every area of their lives. God's Word directs us to humbly submit our lives to Him, and in so doing, find lasting freedom. Submission to God or to His delegated authority is not…

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