Perry Stone

  • There’s a Crack in Your Armor

    There’s a Crack in Your Armor

    Perry Stone (Charisma House) Best-selling author Perry Stone breaks down Ephesians 6 and gives readers strategies to win spiritual battles using the tried-and-true armor of God, including how to seal off openings that invite assault against you and your family.

  • Perry Stone: Removing Spiritual Blockades to Unleash Your Blessing

    Perry Stone: Removing Spiritual Blockades to Unleash Your Blessing

    How Do We Forgive in A Terrible Situation? Forgiving others is a command but also a choice. I do not forgive because I feel a sudden unction or excitement to do so, but because I choose to do so. Repenting of your own sin is a command, as it is written, “But now [God] commands all

  • Our Ultimate Spiritual Weapon of War

    Our Ultimate Spiritual Weapon of War

    The ultimate goal of satanic deception is to separate believers from their relationship with their heavenly Father, strip them of their spiritual inheritance and set them in a place of total despair—just like the prodigal (Luke15). The young Jewish man rebelled against the family, leaving the care of his loving dad, and demanding his future

  • The “End-Time Floods”

    The “End-Time Floods”

    Three floods will unleash the fullness of time Rain and water were central features in the flood story of Noah, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is compared to rain being poured out (Joel 2:28-29). But did you know three types of floods will mark the end times, according to Scripture? The future Antichrist

  • A Parallel Creation

    A Parallel Creation

    Surprising dovetails between creation and the flood Many end-time signs are encoded in the days of Noah, just as Christ reminded His followers: “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man” (Luke 17:26). Often overlooked, however, are the parallels between the original

  • The Code of the Dove and the Holy Spirit

    The Code of the Dove and the Holy Spirit

    Why did God choose to represent His Spirit with a dove? The answer—and its multilayered applications—can unlock one of the deep mysteries of our divine Helper. In biblical theology, we often consider a concept known as the law of first mention. It teaches that when a person, animal, color, metal or number is first mentioned in

  • Fasting Can Bring Angelic Assistance

    Fasting Can Bring Angelic Assistance

  • 5 Ways You Can Offend Angels

    5 Ways You Can Offend Angels

    The children of Israel provoked the angel of the Lord to anger, or offended him by their actions over and over again on the journey to the Promised Land. As a result, they wandered for forty long, unnecessary years. Even after they took possession of the land, they continued to offend God with their actions, and as a result, they

  • How to Judge a Prophetic Word

    How to Judge a Prophetic Word

    If a person claims to have received a word from the Lord to give to you, the first important point is to “recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you” (1 Thess. 5:12). Is the person respected in the church and in the body of Christ, or is he or she

  • 4 Reasons Unexplainable Things Happen

    4 Reasons Unexplainable Things Happen

    Here are four facts about the unexplainables in life. Obviously, they are not explanations, but they will help to shed some light on why things happen. 1. We all are going to die. “It is appointed for men to die once,” states Hebrews 9:27. This is a spiritual law that cannot be broken. Only two

  • What to Do When God Says No

    What to Do When God Says No

    A life-changing revelation for anyone who feels like God continually closes doors you wish He’d open For generations now, the idea of God “opening doors” for His people has been understood to mean that something good is happening for us. We will comment to other believers: “God opened the door for this new job;” “God

  • Getting Angelic Assistance

    Getting Angelic Assistance

    In Acts 27, the apostle Paul was a prisoner on a ship with 276 passengers onboard. Launching the voyage in the winter, the ship headed into a violent sea storm, called Euroclydon. The ship tossed like a leaf in the wind and was in danger of splitting into pieces. No stars or light from the…

  • When Bad Things Happen to Good People

    When Bad Things Happen to Good People

    One of life’s most perplexing mysteries is why bad things happen to good people. We have all heard the stories of how the most dedicated teenager in the church was abruptly killed in an automobile accident, or how the beautiful young mother with three children is stricken with cancer and suddenly passes, leaving her infants…

  • How to Set the Atmosphere in Your Home

    How to Set the Atmosphere in Your Home

    None of us wish to leave work, return from college, or visit our family and walk into a lion's den of anger, a fiery furnace of strife, or an atmosphere of tension. I suggest there are four methods that can help you make your home a dwelling place of peace and joy.

  • Black Tide Rising

    Black Tide Rising

    What does $4 gas have to do with chemical warfare, America’s future and the Antichrist? A prophecy in Daniel may explain. There is no shortage of oil. There are oil tankers sitting in our waters off the coast, and they are not allowed to unload.” A CIA employee told my father this during the famous 1972 oil…

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