Perry Stone

  • This Holy Meal Could Radically Change Your Life

    This Holy Meal Could Radically Change Your Life

    Several years ago, after I first wrote a book highlighting the concept of receiving daily Communion for physical healing, I received a letter from a woman whose husband had passed away after a battle with cancer. She read the book and forced her husband to receive Communion every day. Within a few weeks he passed

  • Could the Antichrist Arise From the 8th Kingdom?

    Could the Antichrist Arise From the 8th Kingdom?

    Among the writings of the Old Testament prophets, Moses is named in Scripture 768 times, while Abram or Abraham’s name is mentioned 303 times. The one individual who holds more predictions about His appearance and ministry throughout the Scriptures is the promised Messiah. The only other person who receives such attention in the biblical prophetic

  • PERRY STONE Makes a Case for the Rapture

    PERRY STONE Makes a Case for the Rapture

    Note: This story originally appeared on in 2011. Among Christians worldwide, there is controversy concerning teaching about the rapture, an end-times event described by the apostle Paul in several Scripture passages (see 1 Thess. 4:16-17; Eph. 1:9-10; 1 Cor. 15:51-55, for example). The English word “rapture” is derived from a Latin translation by St.

  • Satan, Keep Away From My Bloodline!

    Satan, Keep Away From My Bloodline!

    Have you ever wondered why, after raising your children in the ways of God, they choose to walk away from Him and go their own way? The heaviest burden for a parent to carry is for his or her own bloodline—his or her children and grandchildren and their eternal destiny. Children are a heritage from

  • What the Symbols In Your Dreams Really Mean

    What the Symbols In Your Dreams Really Mean

    A guide to interpreting some of the most common objects and symbols in dreams To decipher the meaning of objects and symbols in the Bible, a principle of biblical interpretation called the “law of first mention” can be used. It states that the first mention of an object, number, color or symbol in the Bible

  • God Adores the Heart of a Praying Mother

    God Adores the Heart of a Praying Mother

    In the Bible, God cannot resist the prayers of a godly woman, and a godly woman cannot resist communicating with God. Based upon more than three decades of full-time ministry, I have pondered why it seems a woman can touch the heart of God, move the hand of God, change the mind of God and

  • 5 Steps to Change the Spiritual Atmosphere in Your Home

    5 Steps to Change the Spiritual Atmosphere in Your Home

    1) Set boundaries in your house. Boundaries are a set of limits that indicate what is and what isn’t permitted. Some are set from a practical perspective, others for health reasons. Teenagers will often test these boundaries and challenge the authority they’ve lived under. This is when tough love is necessary to hold your line

  • 7 Positive End-Times Signs Unfolding Now

    7 Positive End-Times Signs Unfolding Now

    Not all signs related to the return of Christ are negative (as are wars, famines, earthquakes, and so on) in nature. Many are very encouraging and exciting. There are seven events that have transpired and are continuing to unfold that are a part of the restitution and give evidence of the coming of Christ. They

  • How Israel’s Restoration Signals the End

    How Israel’s Restoration Signals the End

    “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; and he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken

  • Are We Really in the End Times?

    Are We Really in the End Times?

    The prophetic seers are at it again. Events such as a Middle East war, a tsunami, a killer earthquake or a Katrina-style weather phenomenon strike the planet, and the prophetic teachers and secular soothsayers begin chirping their warnings like birds in April announcing spring has arrived. Since Christ rode a cloud to heaven from the

  • How to Know If Your Dream Is From God

    How to Know If Your Dream Is From God

    It seems odd that we must judge a dream or vision, but this is true, since there are dreams that come from the flesh, dreams that come from the Spirit of God, and fiery mental darts (Eph. 6:16) that can create a dream from the presence of some unclean spirit, which may shoot an arrow in a believer’s mind

  • Perry Stone: A Revelation of Your God Gear

    Perry Stone: A Revelation of Your God Gear

    In the New Testament-era time of Christ and the apostles, the spiritual teachers used practical, everyday persons, places, objects and real-life examples to help their listeners and readers understand and visualize spiritual truths and concepts. A few common examples used through the New Testament are: Farming—illustrations of farming such as planting, protecting and harvesting grains

  • What’s Causing the Drought of Spiritual Gifts?

    What’s Causing the Drought of Spiritual Gifts?

    After many years of full-time evangelism and meeting tens of thousands of people from 10 major denominations, I have pinpointed the main reasons why there is a shortage or a drought of spiritual rain and spiritual manifestations in many churches. Any spiritual gift must operate through a human vessel; it does not supernaturally float through

  • What to Do When People You Trust Betray You

    What to Do When People You Trust Betray You

    To betray a trust is to surrender information about a situation or a person to another person. To betray a friendship is to give up a friend and separate from someone who has built a relationship in your life. To betray a marriage is to break a vow that was made between the husband and

  • Perry Stone: The Unexpected Crack Attack

    Perry Stone: The Unexpected Crack Attack

    That particular day initiated an unplanned and unexpected shocking message no parent ever wants to hear. The family was a strong Christian family and members of a local church where one of my ministry board members, Gary Sears, pastors. The young son of this family was on his way to church, where he worked in

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