Lisa Bevere

  • Is Jesus More Than Your Celebrity Crush?

    Is Jesus More Than Your Celebrity Crush?

    Has there been a person in your life you thought you knew, but you really didn’t? Could that person be Jesus? Stay with me as we explore this pivotal question! The anchor that keeps us grounded throughout our journey of faith is a revelation of Jesus. Because of this anchor, Paul could not be shaken,

  • Lisa Bevere: It’s Time for You to Stop Hiding

    Lisa Bevere: It’s Time for You to Stop Hiding

    A lot can happen in a year. In Genesis 18, God visits Abraham. While sitting at the entrance of his tent, Abraham notices three men standing before him by the oaks of Mamre. Abraham runs to them, bows down, and compels them to stay, referring to them as “Lord.” After providing a lavish meal for

  • Lisa Bevere: What to Do When You Think You’ve Gone Too Far From God

    Lisa Bevere: What to Do When You Think You’ve Gone Too Far From God

    Lisa Bevere speaks powerful truth to life in this brief video. Watch as she exhorts her sisters in Christ who, like her, have made mistakes. “You are on course,” she says. “The enemy wants you to fall down and stay down!”

  • Trusting God When You Feel He’s Left You in the Dark

    Trusting God When You Feel He’s Left You in the Dark

    “For anyone out there who doesn’t know where you’re going, anyone groping in the dark, here’s what: Trust in GOD. Lean on your God!” (Isa. 50:10, MSG). Following God will often require us to relinquish control and to trust Him to direct our path. This is similar to what a pilot experiences when flying through

  • Lisa Bevere: Your Time in the Secret Place Prepares You for Your Destiny

    Lisa Bevere: Your Time in the Secret Place Prepares You for Your Destiny

    “Just as you’ll never understand the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman, so you’ll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does” (Eccl. 11:5, MSG). Solomon parallels how God works with the mystery of a child growing in the womb. Although science has given us much insight, most of what

  • How to Win Any Spiritual Battle You Face

    How to Win Any Spiritual Battle You Face

    “There’s an amazing door of opportunity standing wide open for me to minister here, even though there are many who oppose and stand against me” (1 Cor. 16:9, TPT). Opportunity attracts opposition. When you advance to a new level, you will be opposed by a new devil. To illustrate this point, imagine a virtual video

  • Lisa Bevere’s End-Times Word to Help You Move Into Your Calling

    Lisa Bevere’s End-Times Word to Help You Move Into Your Calling

    Author and speaker Lisa Bevere preaches a powerful word to help believers move into their calling in Christ. Watch, and let us know what you think!

  • Embrace This One Thing and Be Propelled Into Your Destiny

    Embrace This One Thing and Be Propelled Into Your Destiny

    “Just as you’ll never understand the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman, so you’ll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does” (Eccl. 11:5, MSG). Solomon parallels how God works with the mystery of a child growing in the womb. Although science has given us much insight, most of what

  • How Your Terrible Trials Can Become Your Teacher

    How Your Terrible Trials Can Become Your Teacher

    “Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil and let us see what we are made of.” —Charles Spurgeon I agree with Charles Spurgeon: Trials are indeed a revelation. They are meant to be our teachers, revealing our true condition. When we encounter trials, we have the choice of what kind of

  • The Hidden Opportunity Outward Pressure Offers You

    The Hidden Opportunity Outward Pressure Offers You

    My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to endure all things. And then as your endurance grows even stronger

  • Lisa Bevere Addresses #ChurchToo: We Can’t Be Silent About Abuse Against Women

    Lisa Bevere Addresses #ChurchToo: We Can’t Be Silent About Abuse Against Women

    There are things we cannot remain silent about as a church. Whatever is in darkness needs to brought into the light. In this episode of the #ConversationsPodcast, host Lisa Bevere is joined by guest Asha Dahya to discuss the subject of abuse and the #ChurchToo movement. Listen below. Lisa Bevere’s authentic, passionate, and witty teachings

  • Lisa Bevere: ‘You Are Not the Problem’

    Lisa Bevere: ‘You Are Not the Problem’

    You are an answer. “No,” you may say, “I am not. I am a problem. You don’t know what my life has been like.” Quiet, listen, I am not speaking to your past; I am speaking to your future. If you believe you are an answer, you’ll approach life and relationships in an entirely different

  • Why ‘Flawless’ Isn’t Always Finest

    Why ‘Flawless’ Isn’t Always Finest

    Years ago, when John and I were dating, there came a time when we were pursuing marriage and dreaming of building a life together. We were standing outside a jewelry store, looking at their display case and admiring the various cuts and sizes of the diamond engagement rings before we went in. I had pointed

  • How to Raise Kingdom Warriors

    How to Raise Kingdom Warriors

    I remember as a young girl first glimpsing the powerful truth that women fight differently as I read C.S. Lewis’s classic The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Father Christmas was giving gifts to the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve in preparation for a long-awaited battle between the powers of good and evil.

  • The One Quality That Can Transform Your Crippling Fears

    The One Quality That Can Transform Your Crippling Fears

    For the first 10 years of my marriage, I struggled with the fear of abandonment. My father and my first pastor had both left their wives for younger women. Because of what I had experienced, I allowed fearful thoughts to linger unchecked in my mind. They didn’t yell; they whispered, Eventually all men leave. Don’t let

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