Jane Pierotti

  • 4 Life Hacks to Overcome Your Circumstances

    4 Life Hacks to Overcome Your Circumstances

    How’s your thought life? Entering the right data will produce the right results. “The computer made a mistake!” Have you ever said that? Most of the time, you eventually had to admit the truth: The computer didn’t make the mistake—you did. Entering bad data into a computer produces bad output. Faulty assumptions deliver flawed conclusions.

  • Free Us From Debt

    Free Us From Debt

    So you think you’re broke! How would you like to be buried under $4.3 million of debt? “Impossible,” you say. “No one could ever get in that much debt, much less get out from under it.” But I did, and I can tell you that getting in it was easy. I have a black belt…

  • Garbage In, Garbage Out

    "The computer made a mistake!" Have you ever said that? Most of the time, you eventually had to admit the truth: The computer didn't make the mistake—you did. Entering bad data into a computer produces bad output. Faulty assumptions deliver flawed conclusions. Our minds work exactly like computers do. The quality of what we feed…

  • From a $4 Million Debt to Financial Freedom

    From a $4 Million Debt to Financial Freedom

    The need to spend more than we have is a spoiler that robs God’s people of his best. Is there an effective way to end this destructive cycle? So you think you’re broke! How would you like to be buried under $4.3 million of debt? “Impossible,” you say. “No one could ever get in that

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