J. Lee Grady

  • Don’t Drop the Ark

    The Holy Spirit is easily quenched by pride, greed and religious agendas.

  • Barna’s Dangerous Proposal

    George Barna has crossed a line with his new book, Revolution.

  • From Barrenness to Blessing

    Almost 40 years ago a young missionary from Tennessee named Naomi Dowdy ventured to the Marshall Islands to begin her ministry. She battled loneliness, sickness and culture shock while learning to love rice, Chinese noodles and all things Asian. She eventually planted a church in Singapore that grew to 5,000 members in 30 years. After…

  • Clouds Without Water

    The "superstar syndrome" seduces leaders to become arrogant and greedy.

  • An Uncomfortable Interview

    "We did not honor men for their advantages". Frank Bartleman

  • The Daughters’ Inheritance

    God gives His girls equality and has commisioned them to take territory for His kingdom.Most Israelites who traveled through the Sinai desert with Moses probably knew about the daughters of Zelophehad. While other women hid inside tents and covered themselves head to foot with heavy veils, these girls—Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah—defied the patriarchal…

  • To the Ends of the Earth

  • A Holy Ghost Haircut

    Satan has used lies and racial stereotypes to divide and isolate us. Several weeks ago I decided to get a haircut while I was waiting for my daughter’s car to be repaired. I looked across the street and saw a sign that read “HAIR” and figured I could try a new place for a change-even

  • Don’t Lose Your Edge

  • We Need Tough Love

    The Apostle Paul wrote the Bible’s most eloquent words about Christian love. But when it came to the subject of heresy, he went into verbal-attack mode. He labeled those who were spreading false doctrines “dogs” (Phil. 3:2) and “liars” (1 Tim. 4:2), and he not only labeled heretics publicly but also “handed them over to

  • Katrina’s Silver Lining

    God can use even the darkest tragedy as a backdrop to showcase His mercy.

  • Pray With Desperation

    NOBODY IN MY FAMILY watches Desperate Housewives. My wife and I are raising four teenage daughters, so the last thing we need is a sleazy prime-time soap opera about suburban women who consider adultery an acceptable way to cure boredom. No thanks. I'll change the channel. On the other hand, I do want my girls…

  • How the Devil Hides in Religion

    How the Devil Hides in Religion

    Has the American church given the devil a place to hide? Nobody I know has ever taken a photograph of the devil, and we couldn’t find a recent snapshot to use on the cover of Charisma this month. The only images we located were paintings, drawings and a few sculptures—all based on artists’ notions of

  • I Was a Teenage Prodigal

  • Are We There Yet?

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