J. D. King

  • Demolish This Ungodly Belief if You Want to Grow in Intercession

    Demolish This Ungodly Belief if You Want to Grow in Intercession

    I have a startling confession to make. Until a few years ago, I was actually awful at prayer. I knew I was supposed to pray but had a difficult time doing it. I was fine whenever I was interceding alongside others in a corporate prayer service but was lost when trying to pray at home.

  • 2 Foolish Reasons People Reject the Ministry of Healing

    2 Foolish Reasons People Reject the Ministry of Healing

    I’ve found that sometimes individuals reject the ministry of healing for ridiculous reasons. I would like to briefly take a look at this conundrum. Let’s consider the scientific community for a moment. Although the highly educated claim to be objective, some of their underlying biases cause distortion. Craig Keener argues, “Modern Western academicians have probably

  • The Mysterious Benefits of Christ Many Christians Never Embrace

    The Mysterious Benefits of Christ Many Christians Never Embrace

    Only those intimately associated with Jesus will find their way into God’s kingdom. People tend to complicate things, but salvation can only be appropriated through identification with the Son of God. By this, I’m referring to a willingness to pour one’s heart and entire existence into Jesus’ death and resurrection.  In one transformative act of solidarity, He

  • Shape Your Atmosphere by Speaking These Truths

    Shape Your Atmosphere by Speaking These Truths

    It is easy to forget that what comes out of your mouth is a vital part of what it means to be a Christian. Just as God created the world through powerful declarations, you’re also being invited to shape atmospheres through your inspired words. What you speak can truly transform the world. Many believers need

  • A Prophetic Perspective on God’s Unreasonable Love

    A Prophetic Perspective on God’s Unreasonable Love

    God asked the prophet Hosea to enter into holy matrimony with a woman of ill-repute named Gomer. In the beginning, things were beautiful. They built a house and started a family. However, with the passing of years, Gomer’s absences from home grew more frequent and prolonged. Hosea was concerned about his wife’s fidelity. Soon it

  • Why It’s Imperative We Walk in Signs and Wonders in Our Day

    Why It’s Imperative We Walk in Signs and Wonders in Our Day

    Throughout the pages of the New Testament, the word “sign” (semeion) refers to miracles functioning as evidence of divine authority. The accompanying term, “wonders” (teras) denotes an unusual occurrence; causing one to marvel. Whereas a sign appeals to understanding, a wonder appeals to the imagination. “Signs and wonders” (semeia kai terata) are synonymous with other

  • How Heidi Baker’s Supernatural Encounter With Holy Spirit Is Changing Nations

    How Heidi Baker’s Supernatural Encounter With Holy Spirit Is Changing Nations

    In 1997, besieged missionaries Heidi and Rolland Baker journeyed to the Toronto Blessing to receive desperately needed rejuvenation and prayer. Although both were struggling, God met them in a unique way. What happened to Heidi—in particular—was extraordinary. She was so desperate for God’s touch that, in the middle of [Randy] Clark’s message, she ran up

  • A Critical Ingredient to Knowing God’s Purpose for Your Life

    A Critical Ingredient to Knowing God’s Purpose for Your Life

    How does one step into their destiny; activating the power and might of the Most High God?  This is something I’ve been actively wrestling with for decades. From what I hear, others have too. In my own prayer and study, I’ve discovered part of the answer lies in Hebrews 11:6b:  “… for he who comes

  • Unearthing the Ephesians 3 Enigma

    Unearthing the Ephesians 3 Enigma

    In the beginning, humanity was formed in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-28). Nevertheless, people turned away from the goodness and love of their heavenly Father. The sons and daughters of the Most High renounced their family and lost access to the wonder. In time, the violence and repression grew. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man

  • Why You May Not Be Ready for the Shocking Way God Reveals His Glory

    Why You May Not Be Ready for the Shocking Way God Reveals His Glory

    While praying for people’s needs in an out-of-town church service, breakthrough ensued. I got excited and started broadcasting what God was doing. My intention was to see more people impacted. There was a lot of unbridled energy and excitement. Loud exclamations could be heard throughout the room. Many were elated about what was transpiring. However,

  • Abraham’s Secret to Total Access to God’s Ear

    Abraham’s Secret to Total Access to God’s Ear

    In many ways, communication is the fruit of intimacy. We usually only expose our heart to those that we know and love. With this simple truth in mind, I was recently reminded that God primarily speaks with His friends. The Creator of the cosmos can naturally communicate with whoever He chooses, but mainly transmits His

  • Remember Apostle Paul’s Advice Before You Offer Your ‘Truth Bomb’

    Remember Apostle Paul’s Advice Before You Offer Your ‘Truth Bomb’

    Perhaps you’ve noticed this, but people have rather strong opinions these days and aren’t afraid to share them. Our cluttered social media feeds are filled with numerous arguments and crass political posturing.   In this contentious environment, it is more important than ever that Spirit-filled believers find proper ways to discern things. In the first

  • Why So Many Christians Refuse to Take Prophecy Seriously

    Why So Many Christians Refuse to Take Prophecy Seriously

    Many people naturally have questions about the mechanics of spiritual gifts. This is particularly the case when it comes to the prophetic. While this supernatural modality operates on a number of different levels, I’ve found it helpful to carefully consider the following. The Apostle Paul declares: “The one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and

  • Have Christians Been Misinterpreting This Scripture for Hundreds of Years?

    Have Christians Been Misinterpreting This Scripture for Hundreds of Years?

    I grew up singing the Ira Stamphill song “I’ve Got a Mansion Over the Hilltop.” Although it was originally written during the economic hardships of the Great Depression, it remained quite popular in rural Pentecostal congregations like the one I attended as a child. The lyrics of the song proclaim that, in the midst of

  • The Genesis 3 Key to End the War in Your Home

    The Genesis 3 Key to End the War in Your Home

    Egregious things transpired in the Garden of Eden centuries ago. Sin ensnared the world—undermining the beauty and purposes of God. I don’t think most people comprehend all that unraveled. When God spoke to the woman after the fall, He revealed that there was now an inherent conflict between her and her husband. He said, “Your

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