Elisabeth Farrell

  • How Christian Women Marry Muslim Men

    How Christian Women Marry Muslim Men

    Stories of love and romance sometimes turn into nightmarish tales of brutality done in the name of Allah. You’ve seen her—the veiled, dark-robed woman in the checkout line at Wal-Mart or Target. She’s Muslim, you think to yourself, probably from the Middle East or Asia. But on closer inspection, you discover that she has blue

  • When Christian Women Marry Muslim Men

    When Christian Women Marry Muslim Men

    You’ve seen her—the veiled, dark-robed woman in the checkout line at Wal-Mart or Target. She’s Muslim, you think to yourself, probably from the Middle East or Asia.But on closer inspection, you discover that she has blue eyes. A few strands of sandy blond hair peek out from her head veil. Or perhaps she’s black and…

  • Love on the Front Lines

    Justin and Michelle Erb were 20-something newlyweds when God sent them to the Philippines as missionaries.

  • Praise Can Tear Down The Walls

    Last fall thousands of Christians gathered in the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea to pray for a miracle. They expect the world's most repressive communist country to open to the gospel soon.

  • How Much for this Girl?

    Slavery was outlawed in America, but in lands where ther is only minimal exposure to christianity, women and girls are bought and sold every day. Calcutta, India, has the lowest standard of urban living on the planet--and it's no wonder. Calcutta is named after Kali, the goddess of destruction, the most feared and most loved…

  • Modern-Day Martyrs: Women Endure Torture, Rape and Losing Family to Follow Christ

    Modern-Day Martyrs: Women Endure Torture, Rape and Losing Family to Follow Christ

    What happens when a woman decides to follow Christ? In the United States, it can mean peace, joy and freedom. In other countries, it can mean arrest, torture, rape—even death. As a journalist, I’ve had wonderful opportunities to travel around the world and write about the amazing things the Lord is doing. What stands out

  • Journey To The Secret Kingdom

    There are 1.3 billion people in China today, and most of them don't know Jesus Christ. Charisma sent a reporter there to learn how much work we must do to reach the world's most populous nation.

  • Touching The World From Her Own Backyard

    MYRTLE AMUNDSON DISCOVERED THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY TO BE A MISSIONARY. GOD CAN BRING THE WORLD'S UNCHURCHED TO YOU.Lord, cause me to hear Your prophetic Word for my life today. And lead me to places and peoples who need to receive that Word--even at the risk of being thought a fool."…

  • Married to Muhammed

    Christian Women who marry Muslim men often tell nightmarish tales of brutality done in the name of religion.

  • Medical missionary Debbie Dortzbach

    DEBBIE DORTZBACH, A MISSIONARY IN NAIROBI, KENYA, BELIEVES THE CHURCH HAS AN ANSWER TO THIS DEADLY EPIDEMIC.Left: Dortzbach (right) with Ruth Calver, wife of World Relief President, Clive Calver, attends a Rwandan woman who later died of AIDS in 1999. Could an AIDS-free generation be possible? Yes, says Debbie Dortzbach, who is already seeing progress…

  • Singing God’s Song in Cambodia

    NOREN VANN KIM SAYS SHE HAS A "VOICE LIKE  A FROG," YET THE LORD IS USING HER TO BRING THE ARTS BACK TO THE CHURCH IN CAMBODIA.The next time you're in a mall or grocery store, look around you. Imagine that every woman over the age of 25 has lost a husband, brother, father or…

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