Eddie & Alice Smith

  • 3 Types of People You Don’t Want to Pray for You

    3 Types of People You Don’t Want to Pray for You

    Job’s friends are an example of what not to do when friends are suffering. What can we learn from them about how to pray for those we love? Those of you who know the story of Job, the righteous man God bragged about to Satan, will remember that God gave Satan license to afflict Job. Job

  • Prepared For Prayer?

    Prepared For Prayer?

    When we intercede in prayer, we plead our case before the eternal judge of the universe. Every case we present to God calls for genuine preparation. Without proper preparation a lawyer would make a fool of himself before the judge, his client, his adversary and the gallery of people. Personal Preparation Before we prepare a

  • Standing in the Need of Prayer

    Standing in the Need of Prayer

    Job’s friends are an example of how not to treat a friend in need. What can we learn from them about how to pray for those we love? Those of you who know the story of Job, the righteous man God bragged about to Satan, will remember that God gave Satan license to afflict Job.

  • Stand In the Gap

    Stand In the Gap

    When we intercede in prayer, we plead our case before the eternal judge of the universe. Every case we present to God calls for genuine preparation. Without proper preparation a lawyer would make a fool of himself before the judge, his client, his adversary and the gallery of people. Personal PreparationBefore we prepare a case,…

  • Throw Off Your Graveclothes!

    Throw Off Your Graveclothes!

    The enemy can keep you bound if you don’t remove the trappings that allowed him to enslave you. It’s time to get free! Despite the threat of the Jews who were lying in wait to kill Him, Jesus had to return to Judea. He had an assignment there to challenge death, just as He had

  • Know RESPECT

    Know RESPECT

    The secret to winning a woman's heart is found in the pages of God's Word.Years ago a couple came to us for marriage counseling who were on the verge of divorce. Why? Because the husband continually failed to lower the toilet seat! Thankfully, we can report that they are happily married today. Generally speaking, however,…

  • Stand In the Gap

    When you pray for someone else, you are engaging in heaven's supernatural rescue mission. Here's how you can become an effective advocate for others in prayer.

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