Charisma Magazine Staff

  • What’s Stopping You From Raising the Dead in Jesus’ Name?

    What’s Stopping You From Raising the Dead in Jesus’ Name?

    Robby Dawkins claims he raised a man from the dead in England—and it changed his life. Dawkins, author of Do What Jesus Did: A Real-Life Field Guide to Healing the Sick, Routing Demons and Changing Lives Forever, now has faith to do it again. The question is, what is stopping you from raising someone from the

  • Robby Dawkins Says He Battled Spirit of Death So Jesus Could Resurrect Lifeless Man

    Robby Dawkins Says He Battled Spirit of Death So Jesus Could Resurrect Lifeless Man

    If you read my Watchman on the Wall column and want more details about Robby Dawkins’ claims of raising a man from the dead, here they are. In this uncut interview, Dawkins, author of Do What Jesus Did: A Real-Life Field Guide to Healing the Sick, Routing Demons and Changing Lives Forever, says he raised Matt

  • Report: Robby Dawkins Raises a Man From the Dead in England

    Report: Robby Dawkins Raises a Man From the Dead in England

    Last summer, Robby Dawkins was bemoaning the fact that American Airlines would not allow him to pray for God to raise from the dead a passenger who died in-flight. Thankfully, no one at the church at which he was ministering in the United Kingdom put such restrictions on the Holy Ghost. Dawkins, author of Do What

  • WATCH: Jonathan Cahn Reveals Mystery of the Dark Angel

    WATCH: Jonathan Cahn Reveals Mystery of the Dark Angel

      When the Bible predicted the destruction of the Temple Mount, did it mean more than once?  That’s what New York Times best-selling author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn spoke with Jim Bakker about.  “That what Jesus Messiah speaks of will happen again,” Cahn says before getting into the history—and the links—of Israeli and biblical prophecy compared to Greek

  • Cindy Jacobs Issues Urgent ‘Shields Up’ Prayer Alert About Nuclear Threat Against America

    Cindy Jacobs Issues Urgent ‘Shields Up’ Prayer Alert About Nuclear Threat Against America

    Cindy Jacobs has issued an urgent prayer alert for the body of Christ. The alert points people to a dream about what seems to be a nuclear threat. “For the Lord says, ‘Shields up! This is the time for the watchman to have keen eyes and discernment. The enemy is at the door and wants

  • Kirk Franklin Defends Mary Mary’s Erica Campbell Over ‘Trap Gospel’

    Kirk Franklin Defends Mary Mary’s Erica Campbell Over ‘Trap Gospel’

    Kirk Franklin doesn’t hesitate to speak out on controversial issues. But he’s also no stranger to the other side of the flak. Franklin spoke out in defense of Erica Campbell, part of the Mary Mary duo. She’s taking heat for a track on her new solo album called “I Luh God.” The song falls into

  • After Centuries of Catholicism, Latinos See Pentecostal Reformation

    After Centuries of Catholicism, Latinos See Pentecostal Reformation

    God is moving through Hispanics—not only in Latin American nations like Brazil but right here in the United States. Indeed, Hispanics are poised to play a pivotal role in Christianity in the days—and even hours—ahead. Nearly 1 in 4 Hispanic adults (24 percent) are now former Catholics, according to a major, nationwide survey of more than 5,000

  • Why I’m Praying for Franklin Graham

    Why I’m Praying for Franklin Graham

    After reading recent commentaries regarding Pastor Franklin Graham, we are seeking God in prayer and reaching out to prayer partners regarding this matter. Pastors and politicians alike are scrambling for answers to the problems of the world while ignoring the obvious. All of the killing, the shedding of innocent blood, born and unborn, is a

  • WATCH: Creflo Dollar: You Cannot Stop Me From Believing God for a $65 Million Plane

    WATCH: Creflo Dollar: You Cannot Stop Me From Believing God for a $65 Million Plane

    So is Creflo Dollar a believer in the prosperity gospel or not? After the backlash over his $65 million private jet fundraising campaign, Dollar is defending his audacious faith. Dollar says he would have used the plane to expand his ministry, and because his plans were for the kingdom, “Now you see why the devil tried

  • Why Jezebel Is on a Losing Streak on the Entertainment Mountain

    Why Jezebel Is on a Losing Streak on the Entertainment Mountain

    The Jezebel spirit has been making its mark on our airwaves—and in our movie theaters—long enough. Television and film producers have made billions of dollars selling sex on the small screen and the big screen but intercession over the entertainment industry is starting to bear fruit. Before we go further, let me clarify how the

  • Holy Spirit Tells Kundalini Yoga Instructor ‘I Have Something Else for You to Do’

    Holy Spirit Tells Kundalini Yoga Instructor ‘I Have Something Else for You to Do’

    After a near-death experience in his freshman year at Florida State, he embarked on a quest for the “true light” and ultimately became a yoga instructor at four universities—until a hitchhiking encounter left him changed. “I had been a rock musician in my latter high school years, but the alcohol, the drugs, the absence of

  • Second Coming of Christ Imminent, Says Former Congresswoman

    Second Coming of Christ Imminent, Says Former Congresswoman

    Michelle Bachmann has never been shy about her faith or lacked the boldness to confront the difficult issues. The former congresswoman didn’t hold back on Jan Markell’s Understanding the Times radio broadcast this week. For starters, she warned that God is going to bring judgment on America thanks to President Obama’s foreign policy. She called Obama ignorant

  • WATCH: Walking, Talking Miracle Proves Power of Prayer

    WATCH: Walking, Talking Miracle Proves Power of Prayer

    Steve Harvey knows how to get people talking. Whether it’s in Family Feud or his own show, he’s diving into personal lives, asking his guests questions to get to the grit.  And that’s how the famed TV host tapped into the power of prayer.  Watch the video to see this powerful story.   

  • Will the Church Wake Up Before God’s Wrath Falls on the Nation?

    Will the Church Wake Up Before God’s Wrath Falls on the Nation?

    I’m sober. I’m awake. I see—and report—on the tsunami of perversion that’s rising. I don’t have my head in the sand. I lift my voice against the antichrist agendas that have infiltrated our government, schools, media, entertainment, medical and other fields. It’s dark out there and it appears to be growing darker. Yet, amid my sobriety and vigilance, I

  • ABC Promoting ‘Radical Hate Speech’ and ‘Venomous Anti-Christian Bigotry’

    ABC Promoting ‘Radical Hate Speech’ and ‘Venomous Anti-Christian Bigotry’

    I had absolutely never heard of Dan Savage until this week. Now, I almost wish I hadn’t. Who is Savage and why does it matter? Savage is an American gay activist, author, media pundit and journalist. He pens an internationally syndicated relationship and sex advice column called Savage Love. Yes, really. One Million Moms calls him,

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