Charisma Magazine Staff

  • On Inauguration Day, I Heard the Sound of Lions Roaring

    On Inauguration Day, I Heard the Sound of Lions Roaring

    The anticipation leading up to Inauguration Day was intense. With threats of violent protests—more than 200 were arrested, and six police officers were reportedly injured during the fray—and prophetic warnings from many leaders in the body of Christ urging prayer, it’s no wonder there was a sound of victory when Donald J. Trump officially stepped into

  • Jennifer LeClaire Releases Urgent Prophetic Warning Over Washington, D.C.

    Jennifer LeClaire Releases Urgent Prophetic Warning Over Washington, D.C.

    When I flew into D.C. yesterday, there were so many Secret Servicemen on the plane I wondered what was going on! I was texting with some colleagues about it when suddenly I looked up, and President Jimmy Carter was standing in front of me, extending his hand so I could shake it. It was an

  • Jennifer LeClaire Declares Angels of Transition Over America at US Supreme Court

    Jennifer LeClaire Declares Angels of Transition Over America at US Supreme Court

    I was in Washington, D.C., last week for a new prophetic prayer initiative called POTUS Shield, which includes Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle, Rick Joyner and others. Visionary Frank Amedia, who prophesied Trump’s election to president in July 2015, launched the project. I made some strong declarations in front of the Supreme Court. Watch the interview

  • Dutch Sheets Shares Prophetic Vision of John Knox and God’s Mercy

    Dutch Sheets Shares Prophetic Vision of John Knox and God’s Mercy

    During Chuck Pierce’s Head of the Year conference in October, something shifted. Chuck released a prophesy over Dutch about visiting strategic sites in America before the election, and he set out on a tour to pray in 12 cities.  But Dutch just shared something else significant that I did not know. A trusted prophet friend

  • Chuck Pierce Prophesies ‘Short, 10-Year Window’ in the Nations

    Chuck Pierce Prophesies ‘Short, 10-Year Window’ in the Nations

    Chuck Pierce is calling the month ahead “critical.” I sense this urgency in my spirit also and encourage you to partner with him in declaring what heaven is declaring in alignment and unity with heaven.  Chuck perceives the heavens are declaring the glory of God, according to Psalm 19. Our response, he says, should be

  • Cindy Jacobs Issues Critical Post-Election Prayer Alert

    Cindy Jacobs Issues Critical Post-Election Prayer Alert

    Cindy Jacobs is encouraging intercessors across the country to pray to keep the nation stabilized through December 19th. She points to two issues that need our ongoing prayer—and I agree wholeheartedly. First, a possible recount of the electoral college.  “You are probably aware that Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for president, is raising money for

  • Prophetic Worshipper Kim Clement Passes Into Glory

    Prophetic Worshipper Kim Clement Passes Into Glory

    Kim Clement has gone home to be with the Lord. The prophetic worshipper has experienced health issues, including a brain bleed, for more than a year. Last December, he suffered a brain aneurysm doctors said was likely caused by an infection in his heart. The family issued a statement on the sad loss. “It is

  • Prophecy: After Wicked Kingdom Toppled—Jezebel Curse Broken Off America

    Prophecy: After Wicked Kingdom Toppled—Jezebel Curse Broken Off America

    In the 1990s, a Jezebel curse was released over our nation. Today, it is broken. Early Tuesday morning, I released a dream and a prophetic word—”Prophecy: on Election Day, a Kingdom Will Be Toppled.” The word was as clear as anything I’ve ever heard the Lord say. I felt in my spirit I knew exactly what He

  • Prophecy: On Election Day, a Kingdom Will Be Toppled

    Prophecy: On Election Day, a Kingdom Will Be Toppled

    Some people are convinced they know who the next president of the United States will be. Some respected prophetic voices have publicly prophesied Bible parallels that certainly make sense to many spiritual minds. Other extremely accurate prophets are just as convinced they know who will be the next commander-in-chief but have not publicly declared their

  • An Urgent Call to Fast for the Deliverance of the Nation From Jezebel

    An Urgent Call to Fast for the Deliverance of the Nation From Jezebel

    Christian leaders, through the Revival One Network (R1N), are calling for believers to fast and pray from Thursday morning until 10 p.m. Tuesday for the upcoming election and the deliverance of the nation from the “strongholds of humanism and liberalism.” The alarm has been sounded to God’s army, and Frank Amedia, co-senior pastor of Touch Heaven Church in

  • Views That Can Radically Alter Your Christian Belief

    Views That Can Radically Alter Your Christian Belief

    When I was a new Christian, I naively thought everyone read the Bible the same way with virtually one interpretation that all born-again Christians would have. One of the biggest shocks I experienced occurred about six months into my walk with God, when I met a fundamentalist Baptist preacher who was trying to convince me

  • 10 Hazards of the Prayerless Church

    10 Hazards of the Prayerless Church

    I have been a pastor almost 34 years and have been involved in initiating or participating in many local, citywide and national prayer gatherings. God has made it very clear that our first priority as leaders is to spend time with Him before we are sent out to minister (Mark 3:14). The apostle Paul also

  • Jennifer LeClaire Calls Watchmen and Warriors to ‘Oil the Shields’

    Jennifer LeClaire Calls Watchmen and Warriors to ‘Oil the Shields’

    “Arise, you princes, and oil the shields.” These words from Isaiah 21:5 struck my heart in a strong way Thursday morning. “Arise, you princes, and oil the shields.” Isaiah uttered these words in response to a “grievous vision” that sent him into travail, perplexed and dismayed him, and caused his heart to beat fast in overwhelming fear.

  • What Wicked Spirits Are Behind the Orlando Tragedies?

    What Wicked Spirits Are Behind the Orlando Tragedies?

    In the wake of a trio of national headline-making events in Orlando—the gay nightclub massacre, Christian singer Christina Grimmie’s murder and the alligator attack that killed a toddler at a Disney resort—prophetic voices in the nations are praying hard. Many are pressing in to discern what confederate of spirits has marked Orlando—the city in which

  • EXCLUSIVE: Best-Selling Author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Unveils Cover of Latest Book

    EXCLUSIVE: Best-Selling Author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Unveils Cover of Latest Book

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn unveiled the cover for his latest book, The Book of Mysteries, in a Facebook Live event earlier today.   “I’ve actually never done anything like this before,” Cahn says of his book revealing. “It’s really the first major, original book since The Mystery of the Shemitah, which is linked to The Harbinger, so it’s the first since The Harbinger of a

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