Charisma Magazine Staff

  • R.T. Kendall Has a ‘Rhema’ Word Just for You

    R.T. Kendall Has a ‘Rhema’ Word Just for You

    Charismatics seek “rhema” words to the point where some even bombard prophets like John Paul Jackson, desperate for a word from God. But biblical scholar and prolific author R.T. Kendall says you cannot charge after a prophetic utterance this way. Yet Pentecostals persist, craving something meant just for them. “I think this is partly what

  • R.T. Kendall Details Never-Before-Shared John Paul Jackson Prophecy

    R.T. Kendall Details Never-Before-Shared John Paul Jackson Prophecy

    Prolific writer and biblical scholar R.T. Kendall was greatly impacting the kingdom of heaven when his buddy, prophet John Paul Jackson, stopped him with a personal prophecy nearly 30 years ago. “He said, ‘R.T., you will live to a ripe old age, but if you don’t get in shape physically, you won’t be around to

  • What Is So Alluring About Cults? Billy Graham Answers

    What Is So Alluring About Cults? Billy Graham Answers

    Whether it’s watching from afar through a documentary or hearing about discoveries/escapes on the news, we’ve developed a fascination with cults. “I’d never do that!” we might proclaim. Or “Who is crazy enough to join something so silly?” Or, we may even think a cult has slowly indoctrinated a close friend or family member. A

  • ‘God and Donald Trump’ Explores the Spiritual Aspects of His Miracle Victory and What This Means Now for America

    ‘God and Donald Trump’ Explores the Spiritual Aspects of His Miracle Victory and What This Means Now for America

    Donald Trump is six months into the U.S. presidency, and opinions about his job thus far certainly fall all along the spectrum of approval or disapproval. One fact that can’t be overlooked is that President Trump has embraced the guidance of Christians who helped elect him. A new book out this fall from Charisma Media

  • Billy Graham Answers: What’s the Devil’s Most Successful Scheme?

    Billy Graham Answers: What’s the Devil’s Most Successful Scheme?

    The great deceiver is always on the hunt, ready to pounce when he spots confusion or hesitancy. But what exactly is he looking for? How does he decide who to manipulate and the way to do it? One concerned reader asked Billy Graham: “What is the devil’s most successful trick? In other words, out of

  • America’s Independence Should Be for Everyone

    America’s Independence Should Be for Everyone

    July 4, 1776 was a great day in American history: Independence Day! So historically, July Fourth is a day that is celebrated yearly with family get-togethers, cookouts, parades, watermelon and fireworks. It was a great day but not for all. While our nation was liberated from British rule in 1776, there was a class of

  • End-Times Headlines: Psalm 91’s Viper and Lion Are Reemerging

    End-Times Headlines: Psalm 91’s Viper and Lion Are Reemerging

    In this segment, we will discuss how Satan is compared to the lion and the viper mentioned in Psalm 91. We will show you the common characteristics and how they mimic those of your adversary. We will also discuss how the Bible equips us to overcome our adversary. For the entire message, watch the video.

  • Lance Wallnau Issues a Prophetic Word for Each and Every One of Us

    Lance Wallnau Issues a Prophetic Word for Each and Every One of Us

    When 2 a.m. rolls around, many of us are in bed, fast asleep, preparing for the day to come. Not business entrepreneur and prophetic voice Lance Wallnau. He’s up and at ’em, pursuing the Lord to find out what’s going on. “We were just in prayer a minute ago, and I felt like the Lord

  • Prophecy: The Evangelism Seat Is Rising

    Prophecy: The Evangelism Seat Is Rising

    What do a 73-year-old Indian theologian, an American high school student and a pilot in the French navy have in common?  Each one has signed on for Awakening Evangelism BASE Training, a unique program dedicated to equipping the saints with the tools they need to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Let me speak prophetically,

  • 3 Prophetic Attributes of the End-Times Generation

    3 Prophetic Attributes of the End-Times Generation

    In this segment, we will show you three powerful attributes that I believe the end-times generation will possess and how they are prophetically veiled in the prophecy of Joel. For the entire message watch the video. {eoa}

  • Raging Spiritual Warfare, Terrorist Attacks Prove End-Times Revival Is Coming

    Raging Spiritual Warfare, Terrorist Attacks Prove End-Times Revival Is Coming

    Editor’s note: Shaneen Clarke is an internationally known evangelist who sees the Holy Spirit igniting revival across Europe. As we battle not against flesh and blood, though, darkness desperately is trying to stamp out the growing light. As Clarke travels across the continent, she’s allowing the Holy Spirit’s flame to catch fire and awake the

  • Veterans Come Face to Face With the Supernatural Through REBOOT Combat Recovery

    Veterans Come Face to Face With the Supernatural Through REBOOT Combat Recovery

    Tumors vanished. Marriages restored. Souls healed.   Revival is breaking out as hearts unite with God as He restores what everyone thought was lost. More than 2000 soldiers have graduated from the program, and not a single person has committed suicide, a rampant epidemic stealing the lives of 20 of their peers every single day.

  • A Prophetic Word for France in the Midst of a Terror Wave

    A Prophetic Word for France in the Midst of a Terror Wave

    ISIS has taken responsibility for the shootout in Paris that killed one police officer and wounded two others. The attacker ambushed three police offers in the terrorist attack. This morning I heard the Lord say, “The enemy has marked France for destruction because of its spiritual heritage. If My intercessors will rise up and build

  • Cindy Jacobs Releases Prophetic Words and Declarations for UK

    Cindy Jacobs Releases Prophetic Words and Declarations for UK

    We’ve recently heard the terrible tragic news of the terrorist attack near Parliament in England, and I just wanted to pray for you and just share a little bit of what I am hearing for our friends in England and London and the whole of U.K. and Europe also. This is what I feel the

  • Lou Engle Offers Insight Into 2 Urgent Prophetic Dreams

    Lou Engle Offers Insight Into 2 Urgent Prophetic Dreams

    The Coming Women’s Movement Having recently urged the body of Christ to undertake a critical Esther Fast, we want to share more of why I believe an “Esther Hour” has come to America. Two recent, vivid dreams have put me on high alert. I already shared what happened three years ago in Fredericksburg, Virginia. There,

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