Bert Farias

  • How the Ephesians 4:11 Ministry Gifts Are Flowing Together as Never Before

    How the Ephesians 4:11 Ministry Gifts Are Flowing Together as Never Before

    Have you ever noticed lately that Ephesians 4:11 ministers are flowing and fellowshipping together more by their function? Pastors are fellowshipping with pastors, evangelists with evangelists, teachers with teachers, apostles with apostles and prophets with prophets. This is healthy, but the mix is even better. We need one another. Philip the evangelist went down to

  • The Glorious Church Begins Locally—and Must Include You

    The Glorious Church Begins Locally—and Must Include You

    Let me say this as gently and as lovingly as I can. If you are not an active member of a local church, you will miss God totally in this hour. Even ministers who do not function in and out of a local body will miss God’s richest and best in the day we are

  • Why the Modern Church Has Lost Its Holy Spirit Fire—and How We Can Reignite It

    Why the Modern Church Has Lost Its Holy Spirit Fire—and How We Can Reignite It

    Spiritually speaking, many of today’s ministers are playing marbles instead of preparing for war to reclaim all that’s been stolen and discarded from the body of Christ and even the nation. Too many are fighting internal wars and being totally sidetracked from the Father’s will and plan. Many would fare much better if they stayed

  • Prophetic Vision: God’s Glorious Emerging Ekklesia

    Prophetic Vision: God’s Glorious Emerging Ekklesia

    When the forms of an old paradigm and culture are dying, a new paradigm and culture are created by a few people who are willing to be rejected and misunderstood. Some have called them pioneers. Recently the Father has challenged me to be one. For years I’ve had a desire to see a unified church

  • Let’s Learn to Worship in the Spirit—and Not the Flesh

    Let’s Learn to Worship in the Spirit—and Not the Flesh

    Praying and praising God in other tongues is like striking the strings of a guitar, so clear direction, inspiration, revelation, prophecy and interpretation can come into our understanding. It is an area that is virtually unexplored in much of the body of Christ today. I’ve been pouring these things into some of the young adults

  • Prophetic Word: Tune Into Heaven’s Frequency

    Prophetic Word: Tune Into Heaven’s Frequency

    Fake news. Fake narrative. Fake signals. The liberal leftist media is all fake. I stopped watching and listening to it over a year ago. It’s Satan’s machine. Full of hate and lies. Swamp creatures full of venom promoting fear, panic, stress and anxiety. Aligned with an evil antichrist agenda. Tune in to heavenly places, saints,

  • Prophetic Word: Heaven’s Nets Are Being Drawn for the Final Harvest

    Prophetic Word: Heaven’s Nets Are Being Drawn for the Final Harvest

    In a recent meeting, as a Middle East missionary testified of the many miracles of salvation among the Muslims, the babe leaped within my womb and the glory of God filled me. When I awoke the next morning the utterance that I had in that meeting was still upon me. Here it is: A message

  • In These Uncertain Times, Are We the Underground Church of America?

    In These Uncertain Times, Are We the Underground Church of America?

    What will you do in the floodplains when you can hardly make it in the land of peace? “If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace in which you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you

  • Calling Forth the Divine Key That Birthed the Second Great Awakening

    Calling Forth the Divine Key That Birthed the Second Great Awakening

    Charles Finney was a great revivalist in the 1800s and a leader in the Second Great Awakening. He has been called the father of modern revivalism. Most students of the Bible and church history are very familiar with Finney, but not as many are familiar with the real secret of his power and effectiveness. Finney

  • What John Bevere, Mario Murillo and Kenneth Hagin Sr. Have in Common

    What John Bevere, Mario Murillo and Kenneth Hagin Sr. Have in Common

    Here’s a word that will minister great peace to some. On the phone the other day, a dear minister friend of mine, older than I am with 40-plus years of ministry experience, said this: “The Lord called my wife and me to influence the two or three.” I believe he meant geographical places or cities.

  • What We Must Learn About Revival and Worshipping in Spirit and Truth

    What We Must Learn About Revival and Worshipping in Spirit and Truth

    After many years apart, I traveled to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, to reunite with my former pastor. When I walked into his office, I asked him a question: “Pastor Jerry, if you had only a week to live, what would be your final message to us?” A book he wrote became the fruit of that question.

  • The Devil Is a Roaring Lion, but His Teeth Have Been Knocked Out

    The Devil Is a Roaring Lion, but His Teeth Have Been Knocked Out

    Oh, lovely Jesus! My heart is so full. Your heart, it captivates me. Your beauty fascinates me. I love the way you are. Your refiner’s fire has done a great work in my heart. I am so grateful for rescuing me when it seemed so hopeless and my heart was so sick. Now I am

  • God Is Still Seeking Worshippers

    God Is Still Seeking Worshippers

    “At the moment her aunt heard Mary’s voice, the baby within Elizabeth’s womb jumped and kicked. And suddenly, Elizabeth was filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit! With a loud voice she prophesied with power: … The moment you came in the door and greeted me, my baby danced inside me with joy! … And

  • What the Fire Will Do in 2022: Live Free or Die

    What the Fire Will Do in 2022: Live Free or Die

    “Come out from among them, and be ye separate” (2 Cor. 6:17a, KJV). In John 6, many of Jesus’ disciples stopped following Him because they didn’t understand what it meant to eat His flesh and drink His blood. As with multitudes of professing Christians today, this proved that they were following Him for the wrong

  • In Today’s Progressive Culture, Are You a Thermometer or a Thermostat?

    In Today’s Progressive Culture, Are You a Thermometer or a Thermostat?

    I read these words from a parishioner. The following kind of thing is happening in “conservative” churches across the country: The pastor would not answer my question when I asked him privately how he would handle it if a church member were supporting pro-abortion political candidates. Then he started calling the 2020 riots “protests against

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