Barbara Wentroble

  • Don’t Let the Enemy Keep You Silent

    Don’t Let the Enemy Keep You Silent

    Your voice can shift circumstances, situations and people’s lives. God created the entire earth by using His voice, speaking into the atmosphere. With the Holy Spirit living in us, our voices also have the ability to impact the earth. Let’s learn together how to activate this power and triumph over the enemy. Prior to the

  • Praying With Prophetic Power

    Praying With Prophetic Power

    How can a declaration of the will of God for a specific situation command a spiritual breakthrough?  Anyone given to the ministry of intercession knows there are special moments in prayer that are met with a certainty of God’s immediate intervention. These are breakthrough prayers—dynamic, forceful and perfectly in sync with the purposes of God.

  • How You Can Pray With Prophetic Power

    How You Can Pray With Prophetic Power

    Anyone given to the ministry of intercession knows that there are special moments in prayer that are met with a certainty of God’s immediate intervention. These are breakthrough prayers—dynamic, forceful and perfectly in sync with the purposes of God. Knowing how and when to apply a specific prayer strategy can make a difference in a

  • 4 Types of Toxic Mentors

    4 Types of Toxic Mentors

    Mary began baking cookies for her family and friends about 15 years ago and found great joy in it. Her cookies were so good that many people encouraged her to start her own cookie business. After just five years, her business is getting requests for shipments of cookies to areas all around the United States.

  • Taking Laughter’s Medicine

    Taking Laughter’s Medicine

    I once heard a profound quote: Love makes the world go around, but it’s laughter that keeps us from getting dizzy. Many people living today take life too seriously. As a result he or she can grow sick of the stresses and circumstances that one may encounter during a lifetime. Laughter is like a cheap

  • I’ve Resigned From Resigning

    I’ve Resigned From Resigning

    I had a million good reasons for wanting to leave the work of the Lord. But there is nowhere you can go to escape your calling.Why am I doing this to myself?" I asked. Excuses to resign from the call of God flooded my mind.• I can be normal like other women and stay home.•…

  • Attitude Adjustment

    Attitude Adjustment

    Attitudes affect our quality of life! A positive attitude will help us see circumstances of life from a different perspective. A positive attitude will keep failure and success in perspective. Positive people refuse to use the words failure, defeated or hopeless in their vocabulary. Instead, they use the words temporary setback, obstacles or challenges when…

  • God at the Office

    God at the Office

    Christ is marshaling an army of professional women to advance His kingdom in the corporate world. Someone once said, "People of vision see the invisible, hear the inaudible, think the unthinkable, believe the incredible and do the impossible." No one better exemplifies this adage than Christian women in the marketplace. These visionary women are discovering their…

  • Are You Critical or Encouraging?

    Everyone needs encouragement. We live by encouragement. Without it, dreams die, life seems hopeless and many people give up trying to achieve their goals. Most people do a better job when they are encouraged than they do when they are criticized. Charles Spurgeon was a man known for his encouraging words. Spurgeon preached to around

  • Going to War Over Your Life’s Prophetic Promises

    Going to War Over Your Life’s Prophetic Promises

    War is a word that most people do not like. The events of Sept. 11, 2001, thrust the United States and the world into an ongoing season of war. Whether we liked war or didn’t, we were under a terrorist attack. A response to the attack was to preserve the security and well-being of the

  • Look for Opportunities in Problems

    Look for Opportunities in Problems

    Problems are filled with disguised opportunities. They are designed to cause us to grow. Opportunities are there to help us become stronger and equip us to take on our next challenge. Ray Kroc turned his problems into a global success. Kroc partnered with the founders of McDonald’s restaurants in 1954.  The finances caused the business

  • Setting Generational Standards

    Setting Generational Standards

    Set a new standard for your generation. Someone once said, “When you walk what you talk … people will listen!” A similar saying is, “Your actions speak so loudly that I cannot hear what you are saying.” The way a person conducts themselves in life’s situations, handles their finances or the way they treat others

  • Using Failure Wisely

    Using Failure Wisely

    You cannot fail if you never quit. What looks like failure today is merely a stepping-stone into your future. The lessons learned through the difficult places along the path will cause you to accelerate into a new level. Don’t allow the frustrations, losses and uncertainty of today cause you to miss your tomorrow. Declare that

  • Stress Can be Your  Friend

    Stress Can be Your Friend

    Stress can be your friend or it can be your enemy. There are an estimated 50,000 stress-related suicides each year. Some doctors believe that 80 percent of the illnesses treated in the United States are emotionally induced illnesses. Stress in these instances is an enemy. On the other hand, stress in life may help eliminate

  • Mentors: The Good, The Bad, The Awful

    Mentors: The Good, The Bad, The Awful

    You think you’ve found a friend who will help you release your potential. But instead, you’ve attached yourself to someone who will stop at nothing to derail your hopes. Here’s how to recognize the right and wrong kind of mentor. Mary began baking cookies for her family and friends about 15 years ago and found

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