Barbara Wentroble

  • Know Your Assignment, Know Your Value

    You are valued in the place where you are assigned! In this place of assignment people will celebrate your worth. Your efforts will be acknowledged and rewarded. You must realize that you are not just another number. No two snowflakes are alike. No two fingerprints are the same. There is no other person just like

  • Fight Fear With Creative Success

    There is one word that defines the emotions of huge numbers of people today -fear! An associate recently told me the story of a man who came into his office. The man’s knuckles were white as he held a few dollar bills in his hand. He was filled with fear of losing the last of

  • The Spirit has Anointed You

    The Spirit has Anointed You

    God never intended for us to minister in our own strength. We must allow the Holy Spirit to empower us so we can walk in a supernatural dimension.  Church life was boring when I was growing up. We sang the first, second and fourth verses of the songs from the hymnal. The pastor preached a…

  • Developing Your Corporate Culture

    by Barbara Wentroble   Identifying your core values gives others the opportunity to recognize that they may have similar distinctive. This allows them to understand the corporate culture of your organization. Someone recently shared with me about her experience while viewing our website. During her hospitalization, she read the core values we listed and realized

  • Dare to Dream Again

    by Barbara Wentroble   Thomas Edward Lawrence of Arabia is quoted as saying something very powerful about dreamers. All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,

  • Be a Winner This Year

    by Barbara Wentroble   You have probably heard the definition of insanity. Insanity means that you keep doing the same thing you have always done and expect different results! At the beginning of this New Year, you have an opportunity to see positive changes rather than continuing to do things that fail to bring the

  • Become a Reformer

    Become a Reformer

    Editor’s Note: As the new year approaches, numerous ministry leaders are seeking God to hear what He is saying to His people. This week and through the month of January we will bring you some of the words they are receiving. Today’s Prophetic Insight is from Barbara Wentroble, founder of International Breakthrough Ministries and Breakthrough…

  • Hard Times Determine Your Future

    by Barbara Wentroble   Embracing your purpose in life is not limited to your comfort zone. The wilderness is a place where you may be uncomfortable physically, spiritually or psychologically. Yet, this may be the place where your future is determined. Your purpose is tested and strengthened during these times. The wilderness is a place

  • When You Want to Quit God’s Calling on Your Life

    When You Want to Quit God’s Calling on Your Life

    “Why am I doing this to myself?” I asked. Excuses to resign from the call of God flooded my mind: I can be normal like other women and stay home. I am sacrificing my time, energy and finances to help people who do not appreciate what I am doing. My husband and children do not

  • 8 Keys for Holding Onto Your Prophetic Word During Times of Adversity

    8 Keys for Holding Onto Your Prophetic Word During Times of Adversity

    You must press through difficult places to reach your destiny. During this season, many of God’s people are standing in a place of great adversity. But the Lord says that you should not fear or run from it. Rather, you should run into the adversity. If you run into it, you will see a greater

  • Answer God’s Calling at Your Workplace

    Answer God’s Calling at Your Workplace

    Christ is marshaling an army of professional women to advance His kingdom in the corporate world. Someone once said, “People of vision see the invisible, hear the inaudible, think the unthinkable, believe the incredible and do the impossible.” No one better exemplifies this adage than Christian women in the marketplace. These visionary women are discovering

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