Barbara Wentroble

  • Earn Trust

    Trust should be earned rather than demanded! Great leaders know how to earn the respect of their followers. They will do whatever it takes to ensure that they are people who can be trusted. Evangelist Billy Graham has a proven track record of trust from around the world. He has met personally with every sitting

  • Adjust Your Alignments

    Your alignments will get you into your assignment. During times of shifting and change it is important to keep your alignment with key relationships secure. These relationships will help you remain steady and on course through these turbulent times. Flying through turbulent weather in a plane can be an uncomfortable situation. Passengers on the plane

  • Great People Always Fall

    Great People Always Fall

    There is a difference between great people who fall, and people who are considered failures. Great people who fall always get back up. They do not stay down. Many millionaires have been bankrupt at some point in their lives. Bankruptcy did not cause them to end their careers as failures. These great people got up

  • A True Servant

    A True Servant

    Serving others is a key to finding fulfillment in your life. People today are experiencing great difficulties. Many are hurting, confused and struggling to find answers to their problems. Go find these people. They may be in your neighborhood. They may be where you work. Some of these people may be your relatives, your hairdresser

  • The Remedy For Obstacles

    The Remedy For Obstacles

    Maintain a thankful heart at all times. Too many people spend their time criticizing, complaining and finding fault. Usually, these people miss the best things in life because of their negative outlook. Find the one thing you can be thankful for in your difficult situation. Are you thankful for the nation where you live? Are

  • Big Things Always Start Small

    Big Things Always Start Small

    Amighty oak tree began as a small acorn. A baby started as a small embryo. A river began as a few small drops of water that trickled into a ravine. You may be standing in a place where your life, your finances or your healing appear to be small. Yet, the seed of increase is

  • Objectives Versus Obstacles

    Focus on your objectives and not your obstacles. Most people look at situations from a negative vantage point. ·    What if something bad happens? Will I have enough money to do this? How will I get this done? Looking at the difficulties causes people to be problem oriented rather than goal oriented.  It is easy

  • Get Comfortably Uncomfortable

    Get Comfortably Uncomfortable

    The desire for comfort has created much of life as we know it. Air conditioners were invented to keep us cool during hot seasons. Roofs were installed to shelter us from rain, snow and insects. Electricity is used for many purposes including the provision of light in the midst of darkness. Commercials for new automobiles

  • You Were Not Created to Lose

    You Were Not Created to Lose

    Find a way to win! Do not allow circumstances, emotions or the opinion of others to cause you to accept defeat. Figure out what you must do to win in your situation. The spirit of victory is inside you. Stay alert to the Holy Spirit who will lead you to your triumph. Great military figures

  • Critics = Nonachievers

    Critics = Nonachievers

    “Criticism is the death gargle of a nonachiever.” The person who wrote this quote recognized that critical people are those who have failed to reach their own goals. They want to destroy your attempts to achieve. Rather than working on their own challenges, they spend time pointing out your alleged flaws. Your real challenge should

  • Your Success is Determined by Others

    Your Success is Determined by Others

    You are successful to the degree that you empower others! Too often, in today's world, success is defined by the size of your organization, the amount of money you accumulate or how influential your name is. Although each of these things may be found in a successful person's portfolio, they are not true indicators of…

  • Lead With Your Heart

    Lead With Your Heart

    To lead yourself, use your head. To lead others, use your heart. This quote highlights the importance of heart connections. Some leaders try to lead by revealing statistics, arguing over why they need help or insisting that everyone jump on board with their ideas. Although these elements are important, they aren’t going to garner the

  • An Anointing to Finish

    An Anointing to Finish

    Overcomers have a ‘finishing’ anointing. They don’t merely start things. They keep on moving forward until they complete the task. Many people love to start new things. They like to be creative. They enjoy thinking of new projects and dreaming about new adventures. Often, these people actually start some of the new things they are

  • Squeezed into Your New Season!

    Squeezed into Your New Season!

    The narrow place is the path to your new season! This uncomfortable road is usually filled with darkness, confusion and limitations. You may want off this path. Sometimes you are even tempted to return to a more comfortable place. Yet, the only way to secure your future is to make it all the way through

  • When Doing Right is Wrong

    When Doing Right is Wrong

    If I do the right thing I will receive positive results! Has that been your thinking in the past? Have you noticed that right actions do not always bring immediate positive results? Too many times we think that if our actions are ethical the results will produce the approval of others. I know friends who…

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