Barbara Wentroble

  • Focus on Your Strengths

    Focus on Your Strengths

    Keep your eyes on your strengths. Allow the talents you have to direct your path into the future. Your weaknesses do not determine who you are. They are merely reminders of who you are not. Thomas Edison was an American inventor, scientist and businessman. He was almost deaf from early childhood. Yet, he did not

  • From Obstacles to Opportunities

    From Obstacles to Opportunities

    Obstacles and difficulties in life can be challenging! B.C. Forbes was a Scottish financial journalist and author. He once said: "History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They finally won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats. Disappointments acted as a challenge. Don't let difficulties…

  • Dream a Big Dream

    Dream a Big Dream

    Dare to dream a big dream. Give your dream an opportunity to happen. Too many people give up on their dream and settle for the ordinary. The extraordinary is available to all who will pursue their aspiration and reach new heights in life. Two brothers-in-law had a dream. They wanted to make a mere $75

  • The Answer to an Impossible Situation

    The Answer to an Impossible Situation

    Your situation may seem impossible at the moment and you may not see any immediate solutions. You may not have the answers, but know you’re not alone. There are a lot of people around you suffering from more adverse situations than you. One young man, David Rothenberg, made it through an impossible situation. In an

  • Be Thankful for Your Problems

    Be Thankful for Your Problems

    Problems are all around us. Some problems seem like impossible situations. They can leave a person feeling anxious, fearful and depressed. Still other problems can be so overwhelming that a person cannot imagine being able to solve them. J. C. Penny understood the emotional turmoil involved in dealing with problems. He was the founder JCPenny

  • Change is Not Torture

    Change is Not Torture

    We love to hear sermons and speeches about change. We love seminars that encourage us to change. We even enjoy traveling different paths in order to change our scenery. The problem is that we don’t like to change. A Canadian neurosurgeon discovered some amazing truths concerning the human mind’s reaction to change. He found that

  • Determine to Be Determined

    Determine to Be Determined

    Determination will take you where you want to go. High achievers are people who hold onto their goals and their determination. They have learned to overcome discouragement, doubt and other obstacles. Florence Nightingale spent her life determined to upgrade hospital standards. She would transform a hospital from a “place to die” to a “place of

  • Where Are You Going?

    Keep your eyes focused on where you are going. Too often we are looking at where we have been rather than where we are going. Thoughts from the past can include grief, guilt, failure and other discouraging memories. We may not be able to change the past but neither do we need to be bound

  • Transition Into Your Destiny

    Transition Into Your Destiny

    You and I are at the halfway point in a three-year time of transition. A prophetic word has come forth that the years 2008 through 2011 are a season of transition. In God's timing, the halfway point can be the most dangerous time during transition. It is a time when some people decide the journey…

  • You Can’t Do It Alone

    No one arrives at his destiny alone. Other people along the way have contributed to your journey. Some of the people who helped in your journey may have been a teacher, parent, grandparent, neighbor or maybe a friend. Walt Disney was a man who was sensitive to the role others played in his life’s accomplishments.

  • Quality Character

    Quality Character

    Align yourself with people of great character. Too often there are people who attempt to climb the ladder of success through dishonesty, corruption or deceit. The world is looking for a person who gains favor through honest transparency. George Washington was a man known for his honest and upright character. Washington was a successful military

  • The Will to Win the War

    The Will to Win the War

    Determine to win the war you are in. You may be in a financial war. You may be in a health war. You may be in a war to secure a relationship. Whatever war you find yourself in, be sure you have the will to win that war. Without firm determination not to lose, the…

  • Never Quit!

    Never Quit!

    The only way to lose is to quit. The temptation to quit, to turn in a different direction or to give up is always present. Learning how to resist that temptation is a major factor in winning. Legendary Alabama football coach Bear Bryant identified players who were winners in his sport. Coach Bryant was a…

  • Let Difficulty Produce Bravery

    Hold onto your courage during difficult times. Difficulty has a way of robbing people of their bravery. Can you remember a time when you faced your future with great courage and determination? What happened that caused you to shrink back from the dream for your life? Walt Disney discovered a way to rescue people from

  • What’s Your Motivation?

    Many people live life looking out for self, “number one.” We even use the familiar expression What’s in it for me? During the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia a selfless young man rose to fame. Alexandre Bilodeau won his country’s first gold medal in the moguls event. This was the first gold medal

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