Andy Butcher

  • How One Man Unleashed The Porn Plague

    When Hugh Hefner founded Playboy 50 years ago, he spearheaded a sexual revolution that church leaders say is devastating society.

  • For the Love of Elvis

    There are thousands of Elvis Presley impersonators worldwide. Some of these rhinestone-studded performers are Christians who use the musician's legendary appeal to preach the gospel.

  • He Sees God in the Stars

    Evolutionists despise him, and some Christians don't agree with his views on Earth's beginnings. But Hugh Ross--like no other man of faith--is taking the gospel to the scientific community.

  • Someone is Stealing the Children

    Hundreds of kids are abducted in the United States each year. Today, Christians are starting unique ministries that comfort distraught parents and help find missing children.

  • Removing the Island Idols

    In the Dominican Republic, where occult practices have been mixed with Christianity for centuries, the Holy Spirit is cleansing His church.

  • A Wild and Crazy Mission

    Thousands of college students engage in a celebration of booze and sex during Spring Break. But these days, Christian students are reaching their partying peers with the gospel.

  • Reaching the Weekend Warriors

    Thousands participate in Civil War re-enactments every year. And as they restage the battles of Gettysburg, Antietam and Olustee, Christians are there to preach the timeless message of Jesus.

  • When It’s Hard To Believe

    What do non-Christians really think of you and your faith? Charisma's conversations with the unchurched might help you reach the unbelievers you encounter every day.

  • God at Ground Zero

    Christians working near the site of the Sept. 11, 2001, tragedy say the Holy Spirit is moving in special ways to soften a city known for spiritual resistance. The morning it all changed, Rick Del Rio was at a breakfast meeting with friends at a midtown Manhattan hotel. When he learned of the attack on

  • Quiet Faith Inside Disney

    While some Christians have supported a boycott of the Disney company, others say there is a better way to influence: By sharing Jesus inside Disney World.

  • Still Shining Bright

    Bill Bright turns 80 this month, but the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ stays busy in his twilight years building bridges with charismatics and calling for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

  • Welcome to Mardi Gras Madness

    In New Orleans--home of the wildest street party in the world--brave evangelists disregard the shocking displays of drunkenness and nudity to take Jesus' love to the boldest of sinners.

  • Atheists Invite Evangelist Ray Comfort Into Their “Comfort Zone” in Orlando

  • Listen to the Children Crying

    Listen to the Children Crying

    Millions of children worldwide make their homes on hard sidewalks and in cold alleys and urban garbage dumps. Who will tell them about Jesus?Jesus stands high over Rio de Janeiro, His arms spread wide. His famous statue atop Corcovado mountain could be welcoming the thousands of tourists who travel to the “Marvelous City” from around…

  • Bearing the Scars of Persecuted Christians

    No one did more to raise awareness about the persecuted church than Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, who suffered for years in Romania's communist prisons.

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