A B Simpson

  • ‘Chrislam’ Rising

    ‘Chrislam’ Rising

    The movement to blend Christianity with Islam is spreading rapidly in the U.S. Inform-ChrislamRising

    Communities across the nation are taking Christianity and Islam—two diametrically opposed theologies—and working to blend them together.

    “Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground with Muslims,” explains theologian Bill Muehlenberg of the doctrine that began in Nigeria in the 1980s. “Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam. ”

    Chrislam has gained significant momentum since the seed was planted nearly three decades ago. Earlier this year Christian communities in Dallas, Chicago, Washington and other cities placed Qurans in church pews—right alongside Bibles—and preached about the Prophet Muhammad.

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