Only an Awakened Church Will Save America

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Eddie Hyatt

Is the 2024 presidential election the most significant of our lifetime? Many are answering this question with a resounding “yes,” and I agree. In fact, it may be the most significant election in American history. Our nation is on the brink of losing its soul, along with the freedoms for which so many have fought and died. Come November, we must see a change in Washington, D.C.

Yet if we wish to help save America, we must address something more profound and fundamental than the coming election. Our nation’s root problem is not political, but spiritual and moral. The true key to America’s future? An awakened church.

‘Aflame With Righteousness

French sociologist and political scientists Alexis de Tocqueville brought forth the idea that an awakened church would be the key to America’s future. He came to the U.S. in 1831 to study the country’s penal system and to attempt to discover the cause of its rapid ascent to international influence and power. Arriving just after the Second Great Awakening, he was struck by the prevailing spiritual emphasis he encountered wherever he went. “The religious atmosphere of the country was the first thing that struck me on arrival in the United States,” he said (Hyatt, “1726: The Year that Defined America,” 166).

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