Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Years ago, Sarah Bowling visited Ethiopia and heard about some abandoned newborns who were found in a field. The local orphanage refused to accept the children until they heard if they didn’t accept them, the babies would be placed back in the field. As a policy, the orphanage doesn’t take babies and newborns because they require so many resources. The care required for one newborn was equal to that of 10 older children. From witnessing that experience, God birthed the idea of Saving Moses in Sarah’s heart.

One of the programs Saving Moses offers is NightCare. NightCare is unique in the world with the exception of Saving Moses. In America, moms bring babies and toddlers to daycare. NightCare is the same idea, but at nighttime for sex workers in developing countries. Without NightCare, the babies of sex workers are on the bed with them while they service clients or are left in the street.

Babies and toddlers in the NightCare program are fed, bathed, enjoy playtime and have a safe place to sleep during the night. The moms collect the children in the morning. NightCare is a genuine opportunity to express love and protect babies from a difficult, harsh, violent, destructive and traumatic environment. It gives them nurture, care and safe attachments that can work in their hearts to repair, heal and prevent trauma—trauma from being abandoned and abused.

One of Sarah’s earliest Saving Moses trips was to Angola, which has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world. She was met by a doctor with questions: Did you bring medicine, money, food? If not, why are you here? It seems that doctor had been to a malnutrition clinic, and out of the dozen of babies there, only one survived the weekend.

Sarah determined never to show up empty-handed again. From that experience, Saving Moses began to supply therapeutic milk specially formulated to treat severe acute malnutrition. The recovery period for malnourished babies is four to six weeks, and sometimes the mothers would take the babies home before they were fully recovered because mothers needed their own food. Because of that, Saving Moses started supplying basic food for the mothers so they would stay until their babies had recovered.

Saving Moses also has a malnutrition outreach that screens babies and toddlers so the children with acute or moderate malnutrition can be treated before the situation gets out of hand. The moms are also given take-home rations to prevent the children from getting severe malnutrition.

Saving Moses also provides BirthAid in remote and war-torn areas. BirthAid provides training and elementary basic, medical support for pregnant moms and mothers delivering babies.

Through the generosity of donors, Saving Moses helps the world’s most vulnerable babies and toddlers where the needs are most urgent and the help is least available. They establish lifesaving programs in areas where the infant and neonatal mortality rates are the highest in the world and protect babies most at risk to the sex industry in low-income countries. They providing therapeutic milk specially formulated to treat severe acute malnutrition, offer loving care for the babies of sex workers at night and provide community-based education and skilled birth attendants in high conflict areas. Saving Moses makes a lifechanging difference for babies and toddlers. With your generosity, you can become a lifesaving hero and participate in changing the future for an at-risk baby. 

Marilyn Hickey founded Marilyn Hickey Ministries more than 45 years ago with God’s vision to cover the earth with the Word. Marilyn co-hosts a daily television program, “Today with Marilyn & Sarah,” reaching a potential viewing audience of over 2 billion households worldwide. Marilyn communicates deep biblical truths in a way that is understandable and practical for everyday life.

Sarah Bowling is on a mission to connect everyone with the heart of God while loving those who are overlooked, excluded, and ignored.  Led by Holy Spirit and anchored in the Word, Sarah seeks to inspire all to know the unconditional and transformational love of God in our daily lives. A Bible teacher, author, international speaker and global humanitarian, Sarah also co-hosts a daily television program, “Today with Marilyn & Sarah.”

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