Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

How to Show Godly Support for Someone Afflicted by COVID-19

I received an email that my sister has been terribly sick for many days, with a fever of 102. Her doctor has had her tested for the coronavirus, but it will be 10 days before the results come back so we are not 100% sure of the diagnosis.

Either way, right now she is separated from her family, afraid and in pain.

At times like this, the patient feels so isolated and terrified concerning what might happen. I sent her an email of encouragement to make sure she knew she was loved and not alone, and that her brothers and sisters are praying for her and with her in our hearts.

But her email made me realize that this is one of the cruelest aspects of this virus—that it forces its victims to suffer alone, away from their loved ones who want to be there for them. So, I want to encourage any of you, as well, who may be facing illness right now with the same message I shared with my sister:

“I am so sorry. You have many people praying for you. You are loved by all of us!

“Concerning prayer, here are just a few tips, if you don’t mind:

Here is a prayer we published a few days ago. You can pray it.

“When I pray, I lay hands on myself on the area I am praying for. I use vision and I see Jesus laying His hands on top of my hands, and Him speaking directly to the condition: ‘Stomach, be at peace. Virus, be burned up and destroyed now. Body, be restored to full balance and health. Breathing, be strong and normal.’

“I see His power, as light, streaming from His hands into my body, driving out the virus and the infirmity.

“Pictures and words are powerful! See life. Speak life.

“When I was in the hospital with the heart attack, I found the best way to come to peace so Jesus could minister and so symptoms would subside was to see a picture in my mind of me together with Jesus in a fun setting, which for me was back on the farm, playing together in a grassy field on a warm summer day. Gazing at that picture brought peace and calm to the symptoms and restoration would flow into my body.

“I played worship music on my iPhone 24 hours a day. That helped a lot, especially with the demonic dreams at night. That removed them.

“Speak (and see) this: ‘By His stripes I am healed.’ That is His promise to you from the word of God.

“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. (Isa. 53:5, emphasis added).

“You are picturing something. No doubt it is hard to think about anything but what you are going through. But the Lord has spoken this to me: ‘Mark, whatever you gaze upon grows within you. Whatever grows within you, you become.’

“So, see yourself healed, having fun, laughing with your friends and celebrating life. That picture turns on all your healing genes and turns off all inflammatory genes. You are picturing something. Make sure it is a good picture, as what you picture, you are drawn into.

“I would speak (and see):

—By His stripes, I am healed.

—In the name of Jesus, I command this virus to be burned up and die and leave my body now.

—God’s healing hand is upon me, and He is restoring me to full health hour by hour.

“If you can find something to make you laugh, laugh. Laughter heals.

“‘A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones’ (Prov. 17:22).

“So put a smile on your face as much as you possibly can.

“You are loved, and Jesus is at your side, taking your hand, holding you, smiling and saying, ‘Be at peace, I am here. This virus will bow to My words. I command it to die now. Be gone. Leave this body. Now! Peace, be restored. Health, be restored. Vibrancy, be restored. Laughter, be restored. Full health is My gift to you. I purchased it for you with the stripes I bore at Calvary.

“‘Believe that the sacrifice of My wounded body purchased your healing. It did! I spoke that it did, and it did! Smile, relax, claim it, breathe My power in as you breathe out the virus. The virus is dead. Your body is now simply removing it. Watch it go. Watch it leave your body. Watch My streaming light and power pour into your body. Watch and see that your joy may be full. Watch My child. Watch.'” {eoa}

Mark Virkler, Ph.D., has authored more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God’s voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University (, where the voice of God is at the center of every learning experience. Mark has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for 30-plus years on six continents. The message has been translated into over 40 languages, and he has helped to establish more than 250 church-centered Bible schools around the world.

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