Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

The Amazing God-Gift That Enables You to Release Healing to Others

There is such a need for physical healing on this earth—both inside and outside the church. And we, the people of God, have been given such an amazing gift to release healing to those around us. This amazing gift is the power of our faith-filled spoken words. But more often than not, our own tongues need healing.

The tongue of the church has become so negative and worldly it’s difficult to hear a difference between them. It’s all too common and acceptable to hear God’s people claiming sickness, disease and pain as their own instead of exercising their God-given authority over these things, cursing the works of Satan in their bodies and releasing the healing power of the Holy Spirit into them. Many of God’s people even frown upon those of us who choose to do as the Word says and speak life and healing into our bodies.

Generally speaking, the tongue of the church needs healing.

God creates the power of the tongue to release healing, to create miracles and to build one another up in the faith—not to tear down and discourage one another. Learn to be wise and release healing into your physical body and to others around you.

Bless your body with these healing words from the Scriptures:

“The joy of the Lord is [my] strength” (Neh. 8:10b).

“A merry heart does good like a medicine” (Prov. 17:22a).

My sleep is sweet (see Prov. 3:24).

I will run and not grow weary; I will walk and not faint (see Isa. 40:31).

My faith makes me well (see Luke 8:48).

“By His stripes [I am] healed” (Isa. 53:5c). {eoa}

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

This article originally appeared at beckydvorak.com.

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