Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

How You Can Stand Steady in Life’s Swirling Storms

Is there anything more fun than preparing for a cruise on the Caribbean? Sometimes, God gives me a wink and opens the opportunity for me to do just that.

But although the fun, the sun, gourmet food, the shows and visits to exotic islands describe a cruise, storms can change all that.

It did for my friends and me a few years ago. We had our bags packed with suntan lotion, sunglasses, towels and cold drinks. But before we made it to the exit, the announcement came:

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain. Regretfully, because of weather conditions, waves that reach 12 feet and lack of safety, we will not be visiting the island as scheduled.”

Our disappointment was as high as those waves. Plan B: to enjoy the fun inside the ship. But that didn’t happen either.

We tried to make our way from one place to another on that wobbly ship. To avoiding falling, we clung to the metal bars that lined the narrow corridors between the state rooms. The fun was gone, and our stomachs churned.

Just Like Life’s Storms

Often, these storms show up unannounced. They’re the intruders that squash our plans. And while walking on the unsteady ground of disappointment, our confidence shakes, our faith is unsteady and our anxiety causes us to lose our balance. Then, when the loneliness and pain get too much, we secretly wish the ship would sink and end our misery.

But in the sea of life, we’re not alone. We have the divine captain who knows of the storm before it hits. He is aware of the high winds, and He knows well our weak and feeble ways.

And because He knows all, He’s capable of leading us through storms, dark skies, high winds, and even through waves of uncertainty.

No matter how hard those waves hit, all we have to do is hold on to the security of His Word. That’s when our soul finds the calmness to receive His instructions, toss out anxious thoughts, remove the clouds of anxiety, and breathe in His reassurance.

His reassurance is enough…

…even when clouds still hover, even when circumstances remain and the sun hasn’t come out yet, the reassurance of His presence is enough. With a calm heart we step out into His promise that we’ll see sunshine again and will embrace a new tomorrow as our spirit sings:

Lord, you are the Master who has the power to calm the raging seas with the gentleness of Your voice. When I am surrounded by troubles you quiet my heart. As I call out Your name. You guide me through the turmoil that is before me. You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm…” Isaiah 25:4

Isn’t that the greatest news of all?

It’s not the storms that jostle us, or the painful circumstance that bring clouds of gloom. But a trust in Him who’s the anchor, powerful and available that provides the shelter from the turmoil.

Let’s Pray

Father, in the storms that shake my world, show me how to cling to you, to call out Your name, to focus on Your Word, learn from You and keep my thoughts steady till the storm subsides. In Jesus’ name, amen.

What will you hold on to during the storms you face today? {eoa}

Janet Perez Eckles is an international speaker and the author of four books. She has helped thousands conquer fear and bring back joy.

This article originally appeared at

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