Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Meet the World’s Largest Anti-Israel Organization

Have you ever wondered why the United Nations is so anti-Israel? Did you know the U.N. Human Rights Council has passed more resolutions against Israel than all other countries combined?

Look around.

  • The Syrian civil war has been raging since 2011. with more than 500,000 deaths by various estimates. There are untold billions of dollars in property damage. Millions are homeless, or have left Syria for fear of their lives, which has played a significant role in the world-wide refugee crisis.
  • In southern Lebanon, Hezbollah has built up an arsenal of approximately 150,000 rockets pointed at Israel. This is a flagrant violation of U.N. resolution 1701, to which the UN has turned a blind eye.
  • ISIS, while diminished, continues murdering people in the Middle East and is responsible for numerous attacks in Europe.
  • Iran is a threat to the entire Middle East, especially Israel. It launches missiles with “Israel must be wiped out” painted on them. It’s also the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism.

Yet, in the face of all this, the U.N. is silent and seems to be permanently obsessed with Israel.

Keep in mind, Israel is a mere 8,000 square miles in size, or roughly the size of New Jersey. Its total population, including more than 1 million Arabs, is a little over 8,000,000. The Jewish population of Israel is approximately 6.5 million. Contrast this against the world population of 7.5 billion, Jewish Israel represents less than one-tenth of one percent of the entire world.

So why is a tiny country like Israel and its ongoing conflict with the Arab Muslim “Palestinians” casting such a huge shadow over much more important issues, as far as the U.N. is concerned? Coming up with an answer may have you scratching your head. Yet, a closer look at the make-up of the U.N. is quite revealing.

Obsessed With Resolutions

For example, let’s examine the most anti-Israel body within the U.N. organization: the (so-called) U.N. Human Rights Council. Since 2006, when the United Nations Commission on Human Rights changed its name to the United Nations Human Rights Council, it has passed at least 70 resolutions against Israel. That’s a sustained average of almost one every other month during the past 11-plus years. In 2016, it passed no less than 20. Incredibly, 10 were passed on a single day! How many were passed against the rest of the world? A total of four.

In 2017, the slew of anti-Israel resolutions continued, including one which singled Israel out as the only nation in the world that violates women’s rights. What? Yes, you read correctly. This defies logic, since Israel is one of the most progressive countries in the world and the only democracy in the entire Middle East. It’s also the only country where women have complete equal rights. They vote, drive, work, serve in the military, own businesses and one was even a prime minister—the renowned Golda Meir.

Five more resolutions have been passed in 2018. This seems almost absurd, until you examine the UNHRC closely.

There are 47 member nations that comprise the UNHRC. Keep in mind, the focus is “human rights.” Yet look at some of its members: China, Cuba, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Qatar, Burundi, Bangladesh, UAE and so on. Shouldn’t member nations be beacons of protecting human rights? Yet these countries are some of its worst offenders. There’s more …


The hypocrisy of the UNHRC is mind-boggling. For example, Muslim women have virtually no status in the Islamic world. They are in essence the “property: of men. They’ve been subjected to “honor killings” everywhere, and these take place frequently.

In Saudi Arabia, for example, women were not allowed to vote until 2015, and only given driving privileges this year. Saudi women are still subjected to the following:

  • Cannot make major decisions without men’s permission
  • Cannot wear clothing or make-up that shows their beauty
  • Cannot interact with men in public
  • Cannot go for a swim in public
  • Cannot compete freely in sports
  • Cannot try on clothes when shopping

Yet, in spite of how women are treated in the Islamic world, Muslim nations control the U.N. “Human Rights” Council. What’s wrong with this picture?

Unfair Playing Field

The structure of the UNHRC explains a lot. The council divides the nations of the world into five regions:

  1. Africa (including Middle East)
  2. Asia
  3. Latin America/Caribbean
  4. Western Europe
  5. Easter Europe

The African and Asian regions each have 13 members. Latin America/Caribbean has eight members, Western Europe seven and Eastern Europe six. Here’s where the rubber meets the road. Every nation where Muslims make more than 50 percent of the general population is in the African or Asian region. Do the math; when those two regions vote as a block, their 26 votes comprise a majority of the UNHRC’s 47 members.


Another noteworthy point is where the U.S. is positioned. Keep in mind it’s the home of the United Nations and puts up close to 25 percent of the overall U.N. budget. This is more than twice the amount of the next largest contributor, Japan, whose portion is less than 10 percent. Yet on the UNHRC, the U.S. doesn’t even have its own region. It’s buried as a member of the Western Europe region, which has a mere 7 member nations. It is constantly outvoted by the Muslim-dominated African and Asian regions.

Once you understand its structure and the control by Muslim nations, it becomes clear why they ignore many other obvious problematic issues and devote so much attention to Israel. One could almost say the UNHRC is in effect a Muslim affirmative action organization.

Israel is in the heart of the Middle East and has represented a thorn in the side of the Arab Muslim world since it was reborn in 1948. The existence of a sovereign Jewish state on land which most of the Muslim world considers holy, especially Jerusalem, represents a huge obstacle to their goal of ‘liberating’ all of Israel in favor of “Palestine.”

Multiple Anti-Israel Fronts Within UN

The United Nations Department of Political Affairs has an entire division devoted to Palestinian affairs. No other people or nation have such a distinction.

There are other anti-Israel UN agencies. For example, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization) is in the business of revising history by passing resolutions reclassifying obvious Jewish holy sites such as the Cave of the Patriarchs and Temple Mount as Muslims’ holy sites. This is in blatant contradiction to documented historical fact.

There’s UNRWA, (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) which is the only U.N. refugee agency created exclusively for a single group of people, the Arab Palestinians. It runs schools in the Gaza Strip and Judea/Samaria (West Bank) which includes curriculum that openly teaches children jihad against Israel and the Jews.

Then there’s the U.N. Security Council, which during the final days of the Obama administration passed a resolution naming Israeli “settlements” as the main obstacle to peace. The resolution completely ignored Arab Palestinian terrorism.

It’s not as if the U.N. Security Council hasn’t made other efforts to pass anti-Israel resolutions. It has. However, unlike the UNHRC (where the U.S. influence is minimal), it’s one of five permanent members of the Security Council and as such has veto power. Since 1970 the U.S. has used its veto power on at least 39 occasions to thwart anti-Israel resolutions. One exception is the aforementioned case when President Obama had his last chance to take a slap at Israel. That resolution put the finishing touch on the most anti-Israel U.S. administration ever.

‘The Times They Are A-Changing’

The United Nations according to its preamble is charged with upholding dignity and security for all the nations of the world big and small. Yet, is it acting with equal vigilance enforcing these noble principles when it comes to Israel? The answer is a resounding no! One could make a strong case that the U.N. has a separate anti-Israel agenda from its overall calling, effectively making it the largest anti-Israel organization in the world.

However, under the Trump administration with Nikki Haley being the U.N. ambassador, as Bob Dylan once said, “The times they are a-changing.” Indeed, the U.S. let it be known it would not tolerate the flagrant anti-Israel behavior. In October 2017, the U.S. withdrew from UNESCO. This past June, Ambassador Haley announced the U.S. was also withdrawing from the UNHRC calling it “an organization that is not worthy of its name.” Additional moves by the US include the recent defunding of UNRWA.

It remains to be seen if these moves have the desired impact. However, whether they do or not, it’s a welcome change to see someone “Trumpeting” support for Israel. {eoa}

Daniel Calic and his wife, D’vorah, live in Israel and are Founders of They are also co-hosts of a ground-breaking program: Revelation to the Nations, which provides the first dedicated platform for the Israel Messianic community, connecting them with believers in the nations.

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