Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

How I Lost 250 Pounds and Kept It Off With God’s Help

Once weighing 430 pounds, I've kept 250 pounds off for more than three years.

I’ve gone through a total metamorphosis, a transformation from the inside out (see Romans 12:2). It’s a change which couldn’t have happened unless I addressed the core issues holding me back. Today I’m living in victory and it’s such a great feeling.

Many are impressed when they learn I’ve lost over 260 pounds. However, to me the more important thing is I’ve undergone a total lifestyle change of a slow, steady weight loss that lasts. I talk about how to do this in my new book, Sweet Freedom: Losing Weight and Keeping It Off With God’s Help.

Once weighing 430 pounds, I’ve kept 250 pounds off for more than three years. Now I’ve lost more than 260 pounds and am continuing to lose. I finally realized quick fixes do not work.

In the past, my way of operating was to diet, lose weight and gain that weight back again, plus another 25 pounds or so. One step forward, three steps back. It was a frustrating way to live.

Overcoming emotional barriers has been a major key for me on my journey. In this process, God provided tools, truths and His leadership to heal emotions that held me back for years. In Sweet Freedom, I share how God used these in my life to show me the path to my own freedom.

God’s Help

With God’s help I’m tearing down the barriers that had previously prevented me from keeping the weight off. Most of them are now behind me—a string as far as the eye can see. I’m sure some are ahead of me still. That’s all right. I know how to cooperate with God for their removal.

The barriers in my life caused me to run to food for comfort. I also allowed those same foods to become strongholds and take control of my life.

Others seek comfort in activities such as taking drugs, drinking alcohol, viewing pornography, having affairs, gambling, smoking, lying, gossiping, shopping, overworking and the list goes on.

Those caught in different addictive cycles also will be able to see themselves in Sweet Freedom. My prayer is for anyone in any struggle to be able to identify the barriers and learn how to walk in freedom with God’s help.

God set me free when I shut the door to the things that had become strongholds to me, the things I was allowing to take control of my life. Strongholds are perpetuated by the evil one, the thief (see John 10:10). He wants me to run to food instead of God. In the end, it is always my choice. I can close the door on strongholds. This choice is only possible with God’s help and only when I admit my weakness to Him (see 2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

Sweet Freedom Study Guide

Also available will be a separate Sweet Freedom Study Guide. In addition to a chapter-by-chapter guide, there will also be a section describing the principles of inner healing used in the book.

Included will be topics such as forgiveness, renouncing lies, hearing God’s truth, tearing down walls or barriers and facing doors. There are many other tools. These are the primary ones which have helped on my journey.

Any inner healing journey is designed to draw us closer to God. We can only do that when we know how to listen to Him and follow what He shows us.

Whole, Healthy, Happy Woman

In 1994 at Freedom Seminar, appropriately named, I joined with others declaring who they were. I made the prophetic proclamation that I was a whole, healthy, happy woman. At close to 430 pounds, I felt more like I a broken, close-to-death, extremely sad blob.

More than two decades later, I can finally say I have stepped into that self-prophesy. I have learned my words are powerful. What I tell myself, as long as it aligns with God’s desires for me, I will become.

If I were sitting across the table from you right now, I’d ask you, “Who are you? Who do you want to be?” That desire within you to become different than you currently are will profoundly direct you on your journey.

Losing weight is good. Keeping it off is awesome. Being close to God, though, is truly where the sweetest of freedoms can be found.

Teresa Shields Parker is a wife, mother, business owner, life group leader, speaker and author of Sweet Grace: How I Lost 250 Pounds and Stopped Trying to Earn God’s Favor and Sweet Grace Study Guide: Practical Steps to Lose Weight and Overcome Sugar Addiction. Get a free chapter of her memoir on her blog at Connect with her there or on her Facebook page.

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