Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

7 Ways to Discern Your Spiritual Location

woman with hands up

In Genesis 3 Adam and Eve sin against God and run and hide behind the bush. The Lord comes down to the garden to fellowship with them, but they are not where they should be. God asks Adam a very important question. He calls out, “Adam, where are you?”

The Lord knows all things. He is not asking Adam for his physical location, but for him to identify where he is spiritually. As the time of Christ’s return draws near, the Spirit of God is asking the same question, “Where are you spiritually?”

It’s time to look to His Word and take spiritual inventory.  This self-examination can be found in Revelation 2-4, in the letters to the 7 churches.

1. The first question addresses the church in Ephesus and the condition of their spiritual hearts. God recognizes their deeds, their labor, their perseverance, their intolerance for evil people, and their discernment to judge false apostles.

It appears with these qualities they will pass, but they don’t. In fact, they fail and receive a warning to repent or they will lose their position to shine their light. Why do they fail? Because they lose their love for Christ.

Ask yourself, “Do I still love Jesus like I once did before?

2. The second part of this examination applies to the church in Smyrna. They do not hear a rebuke but only words of encouragement. Who are they? They are the persecuted Church. He encourages them to not fear their imminent sufferings, but to be faithful to the end.

Therefore, the question to ask is, “Do I have the level of faithfulness it takes to endure persecution?”

3. The third part of this self-examination exposes twice in Revelation 2:13 the spiritual location of the church in Pergamum. Their dwelling is with satan. They are a cult. Their sins are idol worship, false gods, false teachings and acts of immorality. They are spiritually lost and receive the warning to repent or He will make war against them.

Ask yourself, “Does my place of worship lift up Jesus as the one true God?”

4. The fourth section of this spiritual test is written to the church in Thyatira. She is the portion of God’s people who refuse to repent of their worldly ways. And they are so deceived that they even allow a spirit of Jezebel to lead them. And because they tolerate Jezebel they suffer with sickness, great tribulations (difficulties), and even their children are affected with pestilence.

As a healing minister, I have never seen God’s people as sick as I do now. I believe this is a direct consequence of allowing the evils of Jezebel to reign within the body of Christ.

Ask yourself, “Am I struggling to repent from ungodliness?”

5. The fifth part of this all important test is written to the church in Sardis. She is religious, but spiritually dead. She receives the warning to wake up, repent, and get right with God. If she does not He will come to her like a thief in the night.

Ask yourself, “Have I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins and to be my Savior and Lord, or am I just going through the religious motions?

6. The sixth part of this examination addresses the church in Philadelphia. She is the second of the 7 churches that does not receive a rebuke, only an admonishment with a promise. Because of her faithfulness to God and His Word she will be kept from the hour of testing that will come upon the whole world.

Ask yourself, “Am I faithful to God and His Word?”

7. The seventh and final part of this exam is written to the church in Laodicea. She is the lukewarm church. She has no passion for the things of God. She has succumb to the riches of this world and does not see how poor and wretched she really is. God sends His message to be zealous and repent, and to obtain the true riches that money cannot buy, redemption in Jesus Christ.

Ask yourself, “Am I passionate or passive for Jesus?”

Are you able to identify where you are spiritually? If you don’t like your spiritual location then ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to make the necessary changes to move forward.

Becky Dvorak is a healing ministry and Destiny Image Author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic.

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