Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How Strong Is Your Faith When It Comes to Your Healing?

Man walks

Faith is a reality that reflects our core beliefs. Someone who is facing surgery places his or her faith in the surgeon. If the patient did not have faith in the surgeon, he would not submit to the procedure. What we do or don’t do depends on where we place our faith.

Unless we understand what faith is, we may think we have faith without experiencing the reality of it. For example, here are four kinds of faith:

Religious faith says, “Lord, I know You can help me today.” It rests in the knowledge of God’s ability without believing in His willingness to do it.

Weak faith says, “Lord, if it is Your will, please help me.” It rests in faulty knowledge or lack of knowledge of the Word of God, hence not knowing the will of God—His desire—to help.

No faith says, “I cannot be helped.” This attitude of unbelief needs to be repented of so that you can experience the “measure of faith” God gives to everyone (Rom. 12:3, KJV).

Strong faith says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13, KJV).

Where do you see yourself in this list? I can honestly tell you that if you picked any one of those choices except number four, you need to make some honest changes in your approach to God. Strong faith only sees what God has spoken. It has no other option.

F.F. Bosworth stated, “If your faith is saying anything other than what God’s Word declares, you are only walking in mental reasoning, which is hostile to God (Rom. 8:7).” Hebrews 11:6 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”      

In order to receive divine healing, you have to know who God is and diligently seek Him as the loving Father who promises healing and health.

Sometimes it takes years to see God’s plan fully unfold in people’s lives. Yet if they remain faithful and adhere to His Word, they will eventually prosper in every area. When it comes to healing, these same principles apply. The health condition may not turn around right away, but as you place your faith in God for healing, the Bible says He will be faithful to heal you.

It may take some time before you experience complete healing. You may have to demonstrate your faith in the design of your Creator and in the inherent recuperative powers that He placed inside of every created being.

The preceding is an excerpt from 201 Secrets to Healthy Living. The book can be purchased at, or

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