Thu. Oct 17th, 2024


Thank you for the wonderful article “Teaching Beyond Words” (by Vincent Newfield, April). I am a partner of Joyce Meyer Ministries and watch her show several times a day, but I did not know the vast extent of her Hand of Hope ministry. I minister to girls in the brothels in Nevada and Joyce has sent us books and CDs to give out. We appreciate her so much and pray she continues for many more years. 

Roseann Jones, Nevada


Stop Manufacturing the Spirit!

J. Lee Grady’s column, “Holy Ghost Smackdown!” (April) is an important message to charismatic church leaders who have gone overboard, cheapened the gospel, and miscommunicated who God is and how He operates. Leaders who try to manufacture or imitate true acts of the Spirit need to turn from this practice, and their followers need to confront them gently yet firmly.

Ernst Lutz, Rockville, Md.


Stretching the Truth?

As a 30-year subscriber to Charisma, I appreciate much of your fine reporting. But sometimes people report facts out of line with reality. In “Five Minutes With … Marilyn Hickey” (April), Hickey speaks of the revival in South Korea. I’ve been there several times and led a large delegation to Dr. David Cho’s church in the 1980s. The South Korean church is strong, but their rapid growth has slowed considerably with their materialistic culture.

Allen J. Swanson, Gainesville, Ga.


Let’s Clear Something Up

This is in response to Lucille Brown’s Feedback letter “Don’t Be Slack on Sin” (February). She was “very troubled” by Richie Hughes’ article “Out, But Not Disqualified” (November). As one who grew up with the Hughes family I can assure you that Richie was not condoning the homosexual lifestyle, nor was he saying that God condones it. While it’s true that God transforms us from a destructive lifestyle, sometimes that transformation isn’t immediate. Richie was telling us that he loved his brother regardless, and that the church shouldn’t have the same judgmental spirit you seem to possess. I say this with only love in my heart.

Darin Scott, Franklin, Tenn.

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