Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

You’re Already in the Debate, Why Not Learn the Argument?

As homosexuality has become more accepted in society, many believers have been forced to defend the biblical view of homosexuality. But do you know exactly what Scripture has to say about this hot-button issue? Visit to find out what  you need to know in the debate. 






Set Free From Homosexuality

We often hear people say that they’re “born gay.” At watch a video from a woman who not only left the gay lifestyle, but also says gays and lesbians don’t have to remain that way. 



When Your Child Says She’s Gay

What do you do if your child comes home one day and announces he or she is gay? This act of self-disclosure presents an incredible challenge for Christian parents, especially in light of the deep chasm between secular thought on homosexuality and the biblical approach. Visit to learn how to wade through these murky waters.







help Male Prostitutes find a way out

According to John Green, founder of Emmaus Ministries, 75 percent of male prostitutes claim to be heterosexual yet have mostly male clientele. Many of these men use drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of their situation—which often results in a viscious cycle of addiction fed by more prostitution. Visit to discover how Green and other ministers help these sexually broken men break free.






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