Tue. Sep 10th, 2024
(Facebook/Jonathan Cahn)

Is This the End Times, and Was it All Foretold in the Words of an Ancient Bible Prophecy?

Are we all players in a mystery that began long before we were born, that has spanned the ages and has, in modern times, has threatened the future of our planet?

What does the future hold, and where does it all lead?

Jonathan Cahn answers these chilling questions and more in his latest blockbuster bestseller, “The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days,” released Sept. 3 by Charisma Media.

Although Cahn has authored eight explosive New York Times bestsellers, he says this book is different than any he’s ever written before. First, it wasn’t the book he intended to write. He was working on a sequel to his book “The Return of the Gods” when current events demanded that he switch subjects. “This was not the book I had planned to write,” he says. “The Lord interrupted me and led me instead to write ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy.’ Another mystery was now to be opened.”

He says he’s also never written about end-time prophecy and how current world events are connected to the book of Revelation. While he was working on “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” current events kept unfolding so quickly that he could barely keep up. “This is the only book where, as I was writing it, I had to keep rewriting it to update it,” he says, “because what I was writing kept coming true.”

The Sign of the End Times

“The Dragon’s Prophecy” opens up an explosive truth that reveals an ancient mystery behind one of the central issues of modern times concerning Israel. For thousands of years the Jewish people disappeared as a nation. But a prophecy in the book of Ezekiel says that in last days they will come to life in the valley of dry bones and be resurrected.

The Bible says that the generation that sees the gathering of the Jewish people back to the land of Israel is witnessing a biblical sign—the sign of the end times.

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That sign happened on May 14, 1948, when Ezekiel’s prophecy came true and Israel once again became a nation. Cahn points out that with the Jewish people now concentrated into one place and time, the Enemy’s war against them would become increasingly focused and concentrated.

The Dark Resurrection

“We’ve watched prophecy fulfilled—God has resurrected the nation of Israel,” says Cahn. “But we have to understand that Satan—the Dragon, the Enemy—is a mimic. When God brings forth a work into the world, the Enemy seeks to bring forth an alternate work, a false work, an anti-work, to destroy the work and purposes of God.

“So he is going to mimic what God has done and he’s going to have his own resurrection,” he adds. “Think about it: if God resurrected an ancient people, then the Enemy will imitate that and also resurrect an ancient people—his own resurrection. He will resurrect an ancient archenemy of Israel.”

To order Jonathan Cahn’s newest book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” visit Amazon.com.

The Sea Peoples

Anyone who reads the Bible knows that the ancient archenemy of Israel was the Philistines. No other people so continually warred against the Israelites, raiding them, oppressing them, taunting and provoking them, and terrifying them, as did the Philistines. None were so ever present in their history or so continually warred against their presence in the land. They swept over the ancient world and invaded across the Mediterranean, into Egypt, Greece and beyond.

“In their first known appearance in ancient inscriptions, they are known as the Sea Peoples,” says Cahn. “Egyptian inscriptions call one of the invading Sea Peoples the Pulasti, or the people of Peleset, or Palusata.  In Hebrew they are called the Pileshtim, the plural of the word Pilishti, a dweller of the region called Pilashet. It is believed that from the Hebrew Pileshtim came the Greek word Philistinoi. And from the Greek name came the Latin Philistinus, and from the Latin, the English word Philistine.”

The Philistines invaded Israel, dwelt in the land, fought bitter and brutal wars against Israel down through the ages. But when King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invaded the land of Israel in the late seventh and early sixth centuries B.C., he also destroyed the cities of Philistia, which was the beginning of the end of the Philistines. They soon vanished from the records of history, existing only as a memory.

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“But,” Cahn says, “if God was going to resurrect the nation of Israel that had likewise vanished in ancient times, and made it known in biblical prophecy that He would do so, it would follow that the Enemy and imitator of God would likewise seek to resurrect an ancient nation, that of Israel’s ancient enemies.

“It would follow that the Enemy would seek to raise from the dead the most embittered, persistent, and relentless of Israel’s ancient enemies. He would bring back the people who likewise laid claim to the land and unceasingly warred against Israel’s claim—the Philistines.”

The Mystery of the Palestinians

Could the enemy have resurrected the ancient Philistines in modern form?  He already has.  It’s not about the people—we must pray for all people.  And this particular people have no idea they’re being used.  They are called the Palestinians.  But most people have no idea what the word “Palestinian” means.  It means “the Philistines”!  So we have a people in the modern world who are actually called “the Philistines.”  The word Palestinian is English.  What they actually call themselves in Arabic is “Filastin” or the “Filastini.

Just as amazing is when they came back into the world.  As God resurrected Israel, the enemy resurrected their ancient enemies.  The Zionist movement began at the very end of the 19th century.  It was just then that the word  “Filiastin” or “Filastini” began spreading through the Arabic world.  And every time the resurrection of Israel passed a milestone, the resurrection of the Philistines would follow, passing its own milestone.

The Replaying of the Ancient Mystery

The ancient Philistines dwelt in a region called Pilashet or Philistia.  Today the same region has a new name—the Gaza Strip! The Gaza Strip did not exist. It suddenly came into existence in 1948—the very same year that Israel came back into existence. So the Israelites returned to the land of Israel—and at the very same moment, the people called “Philistine” returned to the land of the Philistines.

And what happened after that, is that a transformation began overtaking the Palestinians.  They became progressively morphed into the image of the ancient Philistines. The ancient Philistines used to train their children to become child soldiers. So the resurrected Philistines would train their children, likewise, to become child soldiers.  The ancient Philistines nursed a bitter hatred against the nation of Israel—so did the resurrected Philistines.

And the ancient Philistines used to launch attacks, invasions, from the Gaza Strip into the land of Israel, brutalizing Israeli villages, and taking back captives, hostages, to Gaza.  And this is the mystery behind what shocked the world on Oct. 7, 2023—and which then has changed the world.

It is all part of an ancient mystery that is behind some of the most critical and calamitous events of our world.  The mystery also ordains what is yet to happen.  It is this mystery that Jonathan Cahn unveils in “The Dragon’s Prophecy.”

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Jonathan Cahn is known as a prophetic voice to our times. He leads Hope of the World ministry and Beth Israel/the Jerusalem Center, his ministry base and worship center in Wayne, New Jersey. He is a much-sought-after speaker and appears throughout America and the world. For more information go to HopeoftheWorld.com

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