
A Double Blessing

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Jeanie Vanderheiden

When I first met my husband, Jim, neither of us had heard much about God. I believed in a sovereign God, but Jim did not.

One day when I was watching the Trinity Broadcasting Network, I realized I could have a friend, a confidant and most of all, a Savior. I started attending a wonderful Baptist church a mile from our home. At first I would ask Jim to go, but he refused, so I didn’t push it.

I was grateful to have God in my life, especially when I was facing surgery for cancer. I knew He could and would heal me.

I wanted Jim to know Jesus so that we could serve Him together. I knew God was working on him, but he was fighting back, even though he really wanted to experience the peace and joy I had found.

One afternoon I was playing gospel music while cleaning the house. When my husband came home early, I started to turn off the music, but he said, “Don’t stop on my account; I like it!” I went back to work, thankful that I had found another way to share God with my husband–music.

Whenever there was singing at the church, Jim would go with me. One night we met a couple who had a music ministry. We hit it off and started going with them when they had engagements.

My husband loved going with our friends, and he loved the music. Of course, I was happier than I had ever been.

One night I heard one of our friends say to someone near me, “Would you like me to pray with you here, or would you come up front with me?” I was praying, so I didn’t see the person he was talking to.

After the altar call was over I looked up and, to my great happiness, I saw my husband’s face beaming with a big smile. He had given his life to the Lord.

Jim says he started believing that there was a God when He healed me of cancer. My healing and my husband’s salvation are two testimonies of an awesome God who cares about His creation.

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