Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


Steve Shelby
Cumming, Georgia


God bless you for your love and support of the state of Israel. The Bible says in Genesis 12:3: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” I stand for Israel and will continue to pray for them.


Your headline says, “Christian Leaders Outraged by Iowa’s Gay Marriage Ruling” (Charisma News Online, April 3) I’m sorry—they are not outraged enough, or we all could stop this thing.

This decision was handed down by a state Supreme Court. Judges of that court are elected officials. The good citizens of Iowa can vote these justices out of office and replace them with more conservative judges who rule consistent with the U.S. and state constitutions. This decision can be reversed.


When I saw the article “Taking Women Out of the Box” (April) I turned to it immediately. No one who comes to Christ or receives ministry from a woman has a problem recognizing that her gifts and calling are heaven-sent. Can we reach the world for Christ without the gifts of women? We haven’t done it yet!

Thank you so much for including Mimi Haddad’s article. So many women need to hear that God’s call to them is real, despite what misled people tell them. God loves men and women equally and gifts us each as He chooses. I would not want to be in anyone’s shoes who tells people they can’t do something God has called them to do.

Yes, women can be primary leaders, but that does not mean this is God’s ideal. Maybe what the writer refers to as a “box” is actually a God-given role. Let’s be careful that we do not take women out of one box and put them into another one where they fit even less. I have performed numerous marriages for more than 40 years. I note that marriages where spouses are determined to be “equal” become a never-ending competition and often end in divorce.

I beg to differ from Mimi Haddad about women’s role. The writer’s theology would make us believe that unless a woman is in the fivefold ministry, she cannot serve God acceptably. God rewards obedience and not office.


I was informed about President Obama’s “online town hall” meeting by a Charisma news e-mail. I submitted a video link along with my question at The next day while I was watching the meeting, I suddenly saw my face and heard my voice saying “I am Harriet in Georgia” before I asked my question. I want to encourage everyone that we have a voice, but we must use it. The Lord simply opened a door where I could use mine. Our political representatives will never know what your voice is saying unless you use it!


Lee Grady, you hit it perfectly (“Rick Warren and the Hot Potato of the Decade,” Fire in My Bones online, April 15). Charismatics should take note: Rick is leading people to Jesus in droves, gives 90 percent of his income away and feeds the poor by the tens of thousands.

I appreciate Rick Warren’s approach to the issue of same-sex marriage. He is trying his best to hold to biblical standards while also loving sinners. We will never be able to bring the love of God into our opponents’ lives if they think we hate them. Jesus was able to convey His deep personal love for every individual despite their sin.


Much has been said about the healing of Todd Bentley, and his second wife and their future in ministry (News, May). What is being done relative to healing the hurts of the first wife or the psychological and spiritual wounds of the children, who for the first time may experience a sense of loss, rejection or even embarrassment? The process appears a little one-sided.

Dr. Sheila L. Johnson
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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