Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

You’re Wired for Peace: Connect to the Correct Source

The other day, I plugged my cell phone into the charger; however, nothing happened. I assumed I had not plugged it into the outlet all the way. Again, attempting to charge my phone, I plugged it in at another location and gave it no further thought. By that night, certainly I would have power. Checking once more, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Finally, it dawned on me that I needed to take a closer look. The cord that I was attempting to use was not the correct one to charge the phone. It fit into the port but could not connect appropriately so that the current could run from the cord into the phone. I switched the cable out for the correct one, and my phone charged! Why? Because the device was plugged into the right source.

Do you know that you are wired to be a carrier of peace? Not only of peace, but you are wired to bring heaven to earth. To do this, you must make sure that you are plugged into the right source. Like my phone, the connection can look right; however, if it is the wrong source, we will not be charged with the power of being sons and daughters of God. When we are running with anxiety, peace cannot flow through us to the world around us.

Psalm 31:14 talks about trusting in God and making the statement, “You are my God!” You can only be wired for peace when you are plugged into the right source. From that place, you can trust God will fill you. As you are filled, you become carriers of peace. From this place, you also recognize that our future is in God’s hands. When you know that your future is in God’s hands, the peace increases.

You can have peace today because you know that God has placed you in a unique situation.

You can have peace today because, within that situation, you can impact on earth for the kingdom of heaven in an extraordinary way.

You can have peace today because God is not surprised by where you are or what you are going through. He is right there with you.

You can have peace today because God has given you what you need to function in this place.

You can have peace today because of Him.

You are wired to be connected to the Lord God Almighty and to carry peace. That is a fact based on who God designed you to be.

Listen to Real Truth With Ruth on Charisma Podcast Network now. {eoa}

Ruth Hendrickson is an avid unsweetened iced tea drinker who loves warm weather, palm trees and beaches. Needless to say, she believes she should live in the South. However, in the meantime, she and her husband, Mark, reside in Stockton, New Jersey.

Ruth is an ordained pastor, itinerant speaker, ministry trainer and board-certified biblical counselor who has extensive experience in the development, training and oversight of emotional healing ministry teams, recovery ministries, prophetic ministry, prayer ministries and women’s ministry. In addition, she is a course facilitator for Patricia King Institute and Charisma courses. She writes for Elijah List and Charisma and has a podcast titled Real Truth with Ruth. Through biblically based teachings and practical applications infused with love and laughter, her goal is to introduce people not only to the living God who saves but also to the God who desires an intimate relationship with each one of us. Her latest book, Everyday Prophetic, will help you find the prophetic voice that God has given you. Visit her at her website at or find her on Facebook or YouTube, and listen to her podcast Real Truth with Ruth.

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