Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Get a Good Grip on God’s Promises

woman hanging on

My husband, Tommy, and I have stood on God’s promises for more than 30 years and rescued hundreds of thousands of young people out of Satan’s clutches. Based on personal experience, I can say unequivocally that if you refuse to give up, Satan will have to, just as the apostle James assured us: “Resist the devil and he will flee” (James 4:7, NKJV).

You might be thinking, If these promises are for me, why am I still troubled, and how do I get them from the pages of my Bible into my life? Most Christians know about the promises of God, but they haven’t seriously claimed them. Here are four simple ways to get a grip (G-R-I-P) on the promises of God.

Trust God The moment you read a promise from the Word of God, God’s character goes on trial. Does He really mean it? Can He be trusted to fulfill it?

The fulfillment of any promise is directly dependent on the character of the one making the promise. If you had to choose to do business with either a pastor or a criminal, you would probably choose the pastor because you could better trust his character.

The promises of God are not a list of wonderful wishes. They are guarantees from your Father, and He can be trusted.

Your checking account might be unsettled. Your weight might be unsettled. But God’s Word is forever “settled in heaven” (Ps. 119:89).

You can’t always trust people, but you can always trust God. To believe His promise is to take Him at His Word. “‘God is not a man, that He should lie….Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?'” (Num. 23:19.)

I heard a funny story about a man who was hiking up a steep mountain when his foot slipped on some loose gravel. He began falling 200 feet through the air but was able to grab a branch that was jutting out of the side of the mountain. The force of the fall caused him to bounce a few times, but he was relieved to realize he was still alive and the tree held.

“Hellooooo, is anyone up there?” he yelled.

“Yes, I hear you!” came an instant reply.

“Can you help me?” asked the exhausted hiker.

“Yes, I can,” responded the deep voice.

“OK, who are you and what should I do?” the hiker asked.

“I am God. All you need to do is trust Me and let go.”

The hiker pondered a moment and yelled back a little louder, “Is anyone else up there?

If God’s plan isn’t easy, many of us are tempted, like the desperate hiker, to look for a Plan B. But God can be trusted, even when His ways don’t make sense to us.

Rehearse Your Rhemas The word logos refers to God’s written Word (the Bible). Rhema is illuminated logos—a personalized, jump-off-the-page-and-slap-you-on-the-face promise from the Bible. You know when God gives you a rhema word because faith and peace explode inside you.

Here’s an example that will help explain the distinction between logos and rhema. Logos is like a patriotic letter from the president of the United States that is addressed to all U.S. citizens. Rhema is like a personal telephone call from him. The letter would be inspiring, but the phone call would be life-changing.

Of course, this is a very loose analogy. But it points out that logos is general, and rhema is personalized. Both are God’s Word, but simply put, one is written and one is spoken in your spirit. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Tim. 3:16).

What should you do when God entrusts you with a rhema word? Write it down and mark the date and location. Rejoice over it and rehearse that personal, just-for-you promise over and over in your mind.

Several young ballerinas were about to perform Hansel and Gretel. An “X” on the floor made of masking tape helped them remember where to stand. The curtain worker was told, “When Sarah stands on her ‘X,’ open the curtain.”

Sarah forgot where to stand, so nothing happened. A loudmouthed friend shouted, “Sarah, go stand on your ‘X’ so the performance can begin!”

Ladies, your “X” is your rhema promise from God, and I am your loudmouthed friend, screaming, “Go stand on your ‘X’ [rhema word] so His performance can begin!” God is “‘watching over [His] word to perform it'” (Jer. 1:12, NASB) and as you once again rehearse your rhema promise, you’ll enjoy a grand performance of His Word.

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