Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Trusting God When No One Steps Into Help Your Child

So what to do?

This single mama needs perspective and peace about her young man.

My oldest son was already a teenager when his dad left. He struggled and I prayed. I also prayed for someone to step into his world and help him with his struggles. I wanted and thought that looked like a father-figure, but God provided encouragement and accountability in a young man serving as a youth leader in our church and a young man who was a family friend. I almost missed it because I was looking so hard for an older man to step into his world.

Maybe I need to think outside of the box? Maybe I need to keep my eyes open and see what God provides! And maybe I need to keep praying and hoping.

What in the world am I saying maybe for? I need to do those things.



Keep my eyes open.

Think outside of the box.

Those aren’t exactly what I was looking for, really.

I sort of just want to be able to write a thank you note to someone for stepping in and blessing my son.

God works more mysteriously than that. He has other plans that are bigger than mine, more far-reaching and more effective.

Even if I can’t see the effectiveness … and I’m quite certain my idea is the best.

Good gravy! How prideful and silly I can be!

God knows best.

God knows my son best.

God loves my son.

Shockingly more than I do … which is not even fathomable.

He isn’t going to let me or my son down on this.

He will provide in His way and His time.

(Drat…that phrase is frustrating…)

I want it NOW. I need HELP!

Again, God is asking me to trust when I want to fix. To wait when I want to do. To pray when I want to pace.

Lord, we single parents need you to step in and be all that our children need. We feel so inadequate and tired and overwhelmed sometimes. It is hard to be both parents … it’s hard enough just being a parent. Lord, will you help us? Will you give us your peace and your strength and your wisdom and your discernment? Will you open our eyes to the ways that you are working in our children’s lives so we can be encouraged? Will you help us as we trust you with our children? Thank you Lord because I know that you will indeed answer our prayers perfectly … in your way and your time … and that is the best way and time. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Sue Birdseye is an author and single mom of five kids. Her book, When Happily Ever After Shatters (Tyndale House) is in bookstores. This is adapted from her blog, uptomytoes.com.

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