Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

The Key to Releasing God’s Anointing in Your Life

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God wants to do something great in your life and He’s given his anointing to make you an able minister. Through Him, all things are possible!

Anyone can have the anointing, but it’s very obvious when one person flows in it more than another. The key to the anointing is in how much your life is completely given over to God—and how much you have forfeited to the world.

Matthew 16:26 reads, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

You may not intend it, but over time, you can give up little pieces of your soul, which is where the anointing resides. You forfeit it for temporal things like entertainment, food, sex, sports … worry, anger or unforgiveness. Bit by bit, whether you intend to or not, when you give yourself over to something other than God, you lose your freedom—and your anointing.

Once that’s happened, what can you give in exchange for your soul? What can you give to get it back? Your only hope is Jesus. He is the only One that can restore what’s been lost because He’s the only One who never sold His soul to anything!

What’s really driving you? Do you still have the strong desire you once had to serve the Lord? These are tough questions to ask yourself if the anointing is waning in your life or ministry.

If you want to make a mark in this world, you cannot afford to forfeit any part of your soul. If you’re going to fulfill the call of God on your life, you cannot give in to those things that want to steal away your soul.

All power and authority have been given to Jesus. If you need restoration, cry out to Him, “Lord, restore my soul!”

Steve Gray is the founder and president of Steve Gray Ministries, a ministry focused on restoring the glory of God to Israel and Jewish people everywhere. Known worldwide as the leader of the Smithton Outpouring, Gray is also known globally through the live revival broadcasts of World Revival Church services on Daystar Television Network. Pastor, author and songwriter, Steve is a screenwriter and producer utilizing the power of film and television to share the gospel. His current feature film project is focused on Israel.

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