Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

The Enemy’s Secrets Revealed

Our ancient foe has always fought these 3 areas.

She sat transfixed, as if frozen in mid-sentence.

It was not the first time the woman had become catatonic during a counseling session. My associate and I looked at one another, wondering but not speaking. We both knew what the other was thinking. “What power was at work in this woman?”

Each counseling session ended in the same manner. While discussing her childhood, as it related to her current life, she would become unresponsive and incoherent. When she recovered there would be no memory of having stopped the conversation for long periods of time. There were large holes in her memory of childhood and teen years. Those memories that were shared carried heavy shades of darkness and evil.

She was desperately crying for help as every area of her life was out of control.

The marriage relationship was distant and abusive. The children were undisciplined and having difficulty at school. She was overweight, struggling emotionally and spiritually inconsistent. Satan was tormenting this woman and we needed to find a way to help her.

God has not left His church or His children defenseless before the kingdom of darkness.

He knows every scheme and evil plan the enemy prepares in the secret chambers of hell. God will reveal those plans to His faithful ones and give instructions for victory.

They must be willing to wait on the Lord and ask for wisdom and divine strategy to be victorious over every attack of Satan.

Waiting on the Lord for revelation of the enemy’s secret weapons and to receive divine strategy will not happen, if the church believes these things to be mere fables and fantasies. The issue will not even come up. The idea will not enter their thoughts, since such things are not real, according to their worldview.

But the Demonic Realm Is Real!

The Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles knew that to be so and gave important instructions regarding their modus operandi. The Apostle Paul wrote these instructions to the church at Ephesus.

“For to this end I also wrote, so that I might know that you are proving yourselves by whether you are being obedient in all things. Whomever you forgive anything, I also forgive. For if I forgave someone anything, for your sakes I forgave it in Christ, lest Satan should take advantage of us. For we are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Cor. 2:9-11).

Satan’s ultimate goal is to destroy Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God; then establish himself upon the throne to be worshipped as deity.

He is the super-godfather with some long-standing goals he is determined to achieve at any cost. He keeps his vast array of troops mobilized; he has a program.

Satan knows he must destroy mankind if he is to reach his ultimate goal. He seeks to accomplish this lofty goal by encouraging continued rebellion against the authority and rule of God. Satan fulfills his purposes with the most cruel and diabolical methods and tools.

There is no match for him, on the human plane, when it comes to evil schemes and planning the destruction of human life. One of the seven things God hates is “a heart that devises wicked plans.” Who can withstand the onslaught of hell’s belligerence? How does a person fight against these forces of darkness?

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