Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

How You Can Hear God’s Voice as Never Before

Is it possible to learn to hear God’s voice when you pray?

The answer is yes, and I have some ideas to help you apply a little Miracle Grow to your spiritual ears.

My first question is this: What is your prayer life like? Do you just read off your “God, please” list?

You know what I mean: “God, please do this” and “God, please do that.” Or is your prayer life a little shy? You want to talk to God, but you’re afraid you’ll say the wrong thing. So, you don’t say much to Him at all.
If either of these scenarios describes you, please know that you are not alone. A lot of people have trouble breaking through these barriers to a better prayer life.

But what if an incredible loving and understanding God wanted you to talk to Him, but you neglected Him by rushing through your day without giving Him a thought or even a friendly wave?

Trust me, God wants your attention. God wants you to acknowledge Him, to tell Him how you’re feeling and to be your provider. He wants to speak to your heart so you’ll begin to recognize His voice.

For this to happen, you must give God your attention.

So if you want to grow your spiritual ears, you must practice the art of hearing God’s voice.

Here are a few tips:

1. Set aside daily time to talk to God. I like to start when I first wake up. I love to acknowledge God and invite Him into my day.

2. Give God your day’s priorities, worries and concerns. For example, you could tell God, “I have that meeting at work today that I’m really worried about. Could You go into that meeting with me, and grant me favor?”

3. Open your Bible. Spend some time reading a passage. If it tugs at your heart, pray it back to God. Let’s say you were reading Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things because of Christ who strengthens me.” You could turn this Scripture into a prayer. “God, please help me to get through my to-do list in your strength.”

4. Ask God a question—and listen. God loves to answer. Maybe something in the Word will zing an answer to your heart. Or maybe you’ll hear His still small voice because you’ve waited, listening for Him. You may find that His voice is not a loud one, but soft and wrapped in love. If you’re not sure if you’re really hearing Him, ask, “Is that you, Lord? Are you the one whose Son, Jesus, died on the cross for my sins?”

Wait for his smile in your heart. If you get confusion or silence, I’d advise caution. But the best safety net in hearing His voice is knowing that God will never tell you anything that goes against His Word. {eoa}

Linda Evans Shepherd is a nationally known Christian speaker and a bestselling author of over 30 books. She’s the president of Right to the Heart Ministries, founder of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) and the founder of Her latest book is When You Need to Move a Mountain.

This article originally appeared in Leading Hearts magazine and was featured at

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