Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Every Need Is Met Through This Gift

woman with authority

It is wrong to quench any genuine manifestation of the Holy Spirit. It is wrong to despise any prophecy given through Him (see 1 Thess. 5:19-21).

But it is vitally necessary to test any manifestation or any prophecy, by reference to the Scriptures. No doctrine, no practice, no prophecy, no revelation is to be accepted if it is not in full accord with the Word of God.

Unity of Word and Spirit
It is not God’s plan that the Word should ever work apart from the Spirit or the Spirit apart from the Word. By this divine standard of truth we are enabled to detect all forms of satanic error and deception.

The Scriptures say, “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth” (Ps. 33:6).

The word here translated “breath” is actually the normal Hebrew word for “spirit.” However, the use of the word “breath” suggests a beautiful picture of the working of God’s Spirit.

As God’s Word goes out of His mouth, so His Spirit—which is His breath—goes with it. In this way God’s Word and God’s Spirit are always together, perfectly united in one single divine operation.

To seek the manifestations of the Spirit apart from the Word will always end in foolishness, fanaticism and error. To profess the Word without the quickening of the Spirit results only in dead, powerless orthodoxy and religious formalism.

God’s Word and God’s Spirit united in our lives contain all the creative authority and power of God Himself. Through them God will supply every need and will work out His perfect will and plan for us.

Derek Prince (1915-2003) gained worldwide recognition as one of the most gifted Bible teachers of the 20th century. His simple yet thorough approach made his teaching equally relevant and helpful to people from all racial and religious backgrounds. Best-selling author Stephen Mansfield included new details from his life in the book Derek Prince, A Biography: Father, Statesman, Teacher, and Leader (Charisma House).

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